Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Nerve of these local tax hike mavens!!

Leave it to said site to properly decry local tax hike mania:

The Double Taxation Tsunami

However, the writer (Debbie Nix) is a thought criminal -- look how she points out obvious facts that tax-maniac politicians really don't want people to think of:

November 4, 2014 heralded what I’m calling the Tsunami of School Board and County Sales Tax Increases by Ballot Measure on the taxpayers of South Carolina.
Most voters were unaware that they weren’t the only victims of a sales tax hike. In fact, there were 14 counties that voted on an increase of their sales tax for a plethora of reasons – some unbelievable. Two compelling concerns that tax payers should consider:
First, our roads and government buildings are core functions of government – they are priorities – and they should be covered by existing budgets. If they’re not being covered by existing budgets, it follows that other things are. What are they, and was any thought given to cutting them rather than double taxing citizens? And here’s another question: If your county needs a new court house, football stadium, baseball field, bike path, or police or fire station, are your officials going to pay for this through another tax increase in the future?....

I prefer to put it thus, and often do: If these bureaucrats can't do the job they're hired for first and do it within our means, THEY HAVE FAILED, are clearly UNQUALIFIED, and need to be replaced with people who CAN do it right the first time.

The same yardstick applies at any level. The fedgov claims we have to be at war for 100 years because of terri'sts who can't be tracked down and killed, and even if you nab them (or even their alleged leaders such as Gaddafi) you'll never win -- they keep replicating themselves faster than you can keep up. Fine, let's take them up on it: they're telling us that with an ocean on either side of us, a defense budget bigger than the rest of the world's put together, and friendly countries located above and below us, America can't survive without literally turning the non-Jewish Mideast (and then some) into a desert. And with that, THEY ARE ACTUALLY CONFESSING TO TOTAL INCOMPETENCE in the role of president, speaker, Congresscritter or whatever.

America is the country where people are supposed to enjoy a prosperous, happy life thousands of miles from the problems of the continents we left behind us centuries ago. You say "but the terr'ists came here and committed the 9/11 attacks!" NOPE, they didn't -- it was clearly and indisputably an inside job from the word go. But granting your premise that 9/11 is what it appeared to be in Peter Jennings' obviously rigged live newscast, THE PRESIDENT, CONGRESS, MILITARY AND SURVEILLANCE APPARATUS totally "failed" in their BASIC duties of protecting us from JUST SUCH DANGERS that day. Duh!   

As above, so below. If my county council or yours (wherever you live) can't budget for proper infrastructure maintenance and carry it out, THEY'RE CHUMPS OR CHARLATANS and fit only for the pink slip treatment. Any song and dance they give you that you need to pay more than agreed is an admission of failure, or fraud, or it's war propaganda.

AHH, just came across this! Don't miss the last sentence. Truth-bombs like this are studded through cyberspace:

US forces under the command of General James T. Conway of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force were criticized for building the military base "Camp Alpha", comprising among other facilities a helipad, on ancient Babylonian ruins following the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

US forces have occupied the site for some time and have caused irreparable damage to the archaeological record. In a report of the British Museum's Near East department, Dr. John Curtis describes how parts of the archaeological site were levelled to create a landing area for helicopters, and parking lots for heavy vehicles. Curtis wrote that the occupation forces

"caused substantial damage to the Ishtar Gate, one of the most famous monuments from antiquity [...] US military vehicles crushed 2,600-year-old brick pavements, archaeological fragments were scattered across the site, more than 12 trenches were driven into ancient deposits and military earth-moving projects contaminated the site for future generations of scientists [...] Add to all that the damage caused to nine of the moulded brick figures of dragons in the Ishtar Gate by soldiers trying to remove the bricks from the wall."[51]
A US Military spokesman claimed that engineering operations were discussed with the "head of the Babylon museum".[52]
The head of the Iraqi State Board for Heritage and Antiquities, Donny George, said that the "mess will take decades to sort out".[53] In April 2006, Colonel John Coleman, former Chief of Staff for the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, offered to issue an apology for the damage done by military personnel under his command. However he claimed that the US presence had deterred far greater damage from other looters.


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