Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Your tax dollars at work

Always benefiting The Other, never yourself, your family, your future. Everything for Them, nothing for us.
IRS Abolishes Mandatory Expiration Dates For Illegal Immigrants’ Taxpayer Status 

Many headlines are ambiguous -- this one, like so many, leads to a nasty rather than happy surprise.

For those who've ever had a soft spot in their heart for the poor downtrodden unloved newcomers, the time is now to come to terms with the fact that it's a matter of replacement demographics. The powers that be hate Americans so much (yes, even though we elect and salary them) that they're deliberately, systematically, unswervingly driving us out of our own place and nation by stuffing the country full of the least desirable, least assimilable aliens they can find worldwide.

They're not helping people come here for a better life but to totally dispossess, supplant and uproot YOU! Whatever the System does, it claims to do the opposite -- you know, like destroying one foreign country after another under color of bringing it "democracy", normally in the form of a new government personally chosen by the mobsters in Washington and forced on those countries at gunpoint.

Actually, these policies make no sense at all. They don't even benefit our overlords -- they simply hate us enough to wipe us out by whatever means necessary, even if it ruins everything for themselves. It's a matter of deeply enshrined religious chapter and verse in specific ways I can't detail here.


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