Saturday, August 16, 2014

The sheeple and their priorities: Robin Williams, demigod

Among videos highlighted at the Youtube homepage, note which ones have racked up millions of views at astounding rates:

Jimmy Pays Tribute to Robin Williams

Conan Remembers Robin Williams, The Best Talk Show Guest In The World

The Best Robin Williams Moments | Mashable

  • by Mashable 
  • 4 days ago

The first one has racked up roughly 4,209,460 per day That means

175,394 per hour
48 per second
1,536,452,900 at an annual rate

The last calculation of over one-and-one-half billion is just for fun, but may not be beyond the realm of possibility. Perhaps it's a point of pride that 4,209,460 people didn't attend the fine PN meeting last night in Greenville. (You were missed.) No, we only had a restaurant meeting room half-full, but our very select and discerning crowd of activists were there to talk about what really matters -- including Robin Williams, but not from a "Jimmy" or "Conan" perspective.

No, in my portion of the presentations I passed on the theory, semi-original with me, that Williams and friends staged his extremely strange exit as a cover for getting him off the fame treadmill. A far-fetched theory or a more likely reality, what with the cultural tokens of his death that occurred almost simultaneously with it?

I hated Robin Williams as I hate all who use culture to destroy the soul and morality of the sheeple. Don't call me evil. These same media who love to smear patriots as nasty extremists tell Americans exactly who and what to hate in every day's news -- Muslims and Germans, for instance.

I was discrete enough, however, not to mention to the group that I consider Williams an ugly, talentless, narcissistic imp. This was obvious as soon as I accidentally caught a few minutes of the vastly overrated Mork and Mindy show in 1978. And now we're stuck with his work (if you can call it that) for the rest of time -- indeed the worship and adoration thrown at him will multiply as people deal with the fact that they'll never (SOB!!!) see their darling "perform" live again!

Say, media moguls have often said that a particular "star" would be worth more to them dead than alive in terms of CD, DVD and other product sales. Cui bono? If (!) a star could fake his death, wouldn't he cash in bigger than ever before too?

Provided of course that his management and moguls were tacitly in on the scam -- minor detail in an age where the media literally are a matrix in which people live, move and have their being, and they'll swallow virtually any lie a president or news reader puts forth. I'd love to know how many people still think Hong Kong is in Brazil -- apparently at least one network bimbette and Chyron artist do:

Oh, boy, this is featured at the above site today:
Bozell & Graham Column: Overdoing the Death of Robin Williams 
Was it newsworthy, so much so that news networks would break into their regular afternoon programming to broadcast live the first official law enforcement press conference surrounding Williams' death?

"Law enforcement press conference"???????

Pardon my jaundice.


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