Friday, August 1, 2014

Thousands of fedgov office workers paid to surf porn

Or as they put it, there's not enough work to do at their bureaucracies.
Porn-surfing feds blame boredom, lack of work for misbehavior

The solution should be obvious -- fire them, possibly by the millions. The irony will perhaps be lost on some folks -- this happens at the very time that Obamacare is forcing innumerable businesses to cut workers hours by a day or so (the "eight hours" cited in the text.

Speaking of naivety, get this -- gratuitous filthy language warning:
Yes! I Think Obama Is A Horrible President Because I'm A Racist! You Got Me Mr Attorney General

Apparently it's a popular youtube channel -- it was the source of today's BrasscheckTV video featuring Julian Assange in person. But how can an otherwise intelligent person throw around the absolutes he does -- "NOBODY" in his right mind thought W's election was legit (the fraud of Obama's not mentioned ???), and "THE ENTIRE WORLD" was ecstatic when Obummer ascended to power?

Has he actually forgotten the way Obummer was hated from the word go because he was so clearly a happy creation and delighted plaything of the establishment? Not criticizing this Michael dude since he is speaking the truth now so vehemently, albeit still naive as anything and full of toilet lingo that adds nothing to his presentation and drags everything into the same sewer the Obummercrats do.

They are political pornography, he is verbal sewage. And yes, Mr. Michael Sir, lots of us consider Clinton a sickening wretch from hell and would have even without his bimbo embarrassments.


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