Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wow! Tom Woods on Milton Friedman's son's anti-statism

Intelligent, brilliant, piercing, politically incorrect people are daring to say it: we'd get along fine without government as it's known today. These ideas aren't as radical as they may seem, in fact they're not radical at all. Indeed what's radical is the notion that permanent  politicians and standing armies are necessary to our survival or happiness.

A couple hundred years ago, England didn't even have bobbies! Hear the podcast by clicking the tiny little "here's my conversation" link near top here:
David Friedman: We Can Live Without the State

Speaking of standing armies, look what this roundly respected Renaissance thinker thought of them:
Erasmus on the Wickedness of Soldiers

Genuine soldiers of truth have been considered radical in any age. Maybe they are, considering "radical" is not a dirty word at all.


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