Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Exciting tax victory in Kentucky.... jury power!

I'm not personally familiar with Pete Hendrickson though he has been a tax freedom leader for many years. I should have done up a list of RBC's colleagues and how they treated him, but never did -- partly because due to the petty jealousy and arrogance that marks most of them. Don't know if Pete's in that category.

Whatever the relation there if any, it's sad news they put Hendrickson away for years in revenge against his helping people think outside the box -- but a divine breakthrough has occurred in teh goons' prosecution-persecution of his wife:
Doreen Hendrickson: The IRS Attempts to Suborn Perjury

It's great they call it what it is -- an attempt to force honest people to lie (her summation of the 1040 form in effect). Earlier today I saw a headline concerning certain people's insane drive to warp World War II history in favor of a certain ethno-religions group and violently against the majority who were effected by or sucked into that conflict. This they summed up as a campaign to ban math and science -- which is certainly what's going on!

It concerns the magic cabbalistic number 6,000,000.


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