Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"A ray of hope" re so-called smart meters -- in Kentucky

"Smart" meters embody an impossibly insane scheme for replacing everybody's home electricity register with a new model that brings yet more surveillance into our lives and harm to our health. Just as faceless bureaucrats have decided we're to have fluoridated water and universal public schools no matter what anybody thought of it, they now decree that all normal healthy electric meters must go -- period!

Oh, they undoubtedly gave notice through innocuous-looking little inserts in our power bills. But with such an infamous, damaging measure as this they should have sent everybody a special letter on red paper with a big skull-and-crossbones warning on the outside, and called each of us to make sure we had the full ramifications in hand!

Citizens are fighting this around the nation -- nowhere near enough, but enough to make a difference here and there. Maybe this could serve as a model for victory in your community:
Smart Meters in Kentucky: Email Exchange with the PSC and a Ray of Hope

.....Also in today is this useful little one-page crash course:
So You Want to Write?  

I add it to the mix because the world desperately needs more conservatives to stand up and speak out, in writing as well as other ways. Everybody reading this, if you're right-thinking you should be right-writing. I've been doing it for years, often for pay, with no special training whatsoever -- don't even recall taking any English courses when pursuing my two college degrees.

As soon as I got political I started writing for the patriotic press to some acclaim. The Populist Party of New Jersey looked at me to be their editor as soon as it occurred to them to start a newsletter. Several years later Dr. Clarkson made it possible to escape greater Zoo York by hiring me to do his monthly Patriot Cannon.

On moving South I found that my new home town, like many at the time, had a conservative weekly newspaper. Out of the blue I offered to write a column and the editor (a friend of the Great One's) readily accepted. I repeated the process with other small local and national papers, e.g. the Council of Conservative Citizens' Citizen's Informer -- all on the strength of merely knowing I had a message that must get out to my countrymen and the will to do it as artfully as it took to get the job done.

Anybody who sees what's wrong in society and politics should be saying so in print, without exception. If nothing else they should start a blog or news website. The digital age has made it absurdly easy to set these up free of charge, and any careful writing that's published instantly has an air of reality or authority about it until proven otherwise. When you share your blog with friends and family, you send an implicit message of "I have something important to tell you." Existing in permanent public form with beautiful fonts and colors (maybe even pictures, and above all with links to document your thesis), your message will have ten times the impact it would if merely spoken or even distributed one-to-one homemade!

Getting it off your chest is fun, and studies find it's physically beneficial. The site linked above is leftoid but even a stopped clock is right twice a day, you know! If nothing else, write letters to the editor for your local newspapers as often as their policy allows.


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