Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The insane no-person's land they call New Jersey

I'm allowed to call it that -- I spent 37 often painful years there. Damning stuff in Drudge today, with his wording of headlines:
Christie heads to the Hamptons to woo GOP elite...
Kissinger praises: 'I'd be delighted if he became national candidate'... 

Waller translation: Get ready for the next Bushoid Pezident to slither out of Jersey, if Jeb Bush doesn't get the job. Extreme bad news either way. One thing's for sure, any candidate approved by Henry Kissinger is for sure one evil demoniac and no conservative. (Or is conservatism actually what Henry and the also treacherous National Review rag represent? Lots of us are no longer defining ourselves or our ideas under the c-word.

Say, why are the GOP "elite" in the Hamptons anyway? Never mind that they're on Long Island. I want to know why they're not partying in Camden, the South Bronx or any other town their signature policies and programs have devastated.

.....Also in this headline group, a sure sign that neither Christie or Obummer are in tune with what's really going on:
REVEALED: New Jersey's Homeless 'People Of The Woods'...

One comment added says that each homeless person costs the state something like $14,500 per year. Where do I sign up? I haven't cobbled such pay together in over ten years.

Comments for a poll, please! Should I move to the woods or paint my face yellow and swim to Texas across the Rio Grande?

Pardon my jaundice.


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