Saturday, August 31, 2013

The circuitous slitherings of IRS policy

Notice -- I didn't say law. The IRS is mostly or all a pseudo-legal farce that only operates by force and insinuation, or as one of its own dons put it, "bluff and intimidation". Whatever it says goes, but only insofar as ameriKans turn their eyes from the liberating truth that it's a total fraud.
NOM President: IRS Ruling Forces Gay Marriage on States

Since this "service" has become an evil god to which all good ameriKans willingly bow down, it gets away with murder -- literal and figurative. Marriage is an especial target of its crimes, as marriage is part of the normalcy that, in less twisted-up times, spells death to all evil bureaucracies and a pink slip for their perpetrators. Normalcy and stability are very bad for business if you're in government!

Face it, ameriKa. you've been had -- but it doesn't have to go on one minute longer if you don't want it to.


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