Thursday, August 1, 2013

A good sign: SC prostiticians beginning to curse their critics

Yes, when bad people say bad things about good people, it's a double negative -- and that's good!
S.C.'s New Hitmen

The Policy Council's Ashley Landess is one of the best people in SC today. Her kind, not B. Hussein Obummer or Eel E. Weasel. should be getting Nobel prizes.

.... A buzzphrase is needed for when you have a thesis and try to get it across to people with only foggy results, and then eventually Somebody Big says it too.
Natural National Defense

I've labored for 25 years to help people see that America was blessed from its founding to be an ocean away from both Europe and Asia, therefore properly uninvolved in the old world's affairs or subject to its cancers. One of the worst days in all of human history was that in which America started mistaking itself for God and appointing itself the lord over all creation. It was disastrous of us to go after Spain in 1898, monstrously stupid to jump into WW1, and it's been hell to pay ever since in one totally needless conflict after another.

Big ideas..... the cancer of history. /\/.\/\/.

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