Saturday, September 1, 2012

Stunningly good news from Time rag

Nobody's mentioned this to me, sent it by email, or posted it in any hard-right news site I read. Drudge did -- that site is so great at finding the 18k gold when it's not brazenly stumping for the neocon agenda!
Exclusive: U.S. Scales-Back Military Exercise with Israel, Affecting Potential Iran Strike

This doesn't sound like a flash in the pan. If I'm any good at reading between the lines Izrul and ameriKa simply don't have the nerve to rape Iran as they've done so very many of countries. It's been their fondest wish for over half a decade. And if these two psychotics can get real on their most-cherished dream -- the rape in question -- they may even be human entities after all. Maybe the unusually candid words quoted in it can be taken at face value -- politicians coming to their senses from some angle?

One hears that the top soldiers in this country have "had it up to here" with Obushian/Clintoma foreign policy. A band of the fedgov's top analysts did a study the other day and found that in purely objective terms, Israel is a major strategic albatross for the USA, not its "best friend in the Middle East" or any of the similarly unbearably hackneyed sobriquets normally chirped about it.

Izrul and ameriKa are the Laurel and Hardy of 21st-century politics. The rest of the world is sick and tired of this "special relationship" (read geopolitical adultery), "American exceptionalism" (the doctrine that ameriKa is so special it doesn't have to obey rules whatsoever) ad nauseam. Other countries are forming clubs and holding conventions which, if they're not deliberate declarations of undependence from the Glorious Multicultural ameriKan empire, have heady resonances that way.

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.Behold thy King cometh unto you! Don't miss his gracious offer of salvation and reconciliation this time around -- and you of all folks probably know his real birthday is probably sometime right around now.

That goes for you too, bloodthirsty power-drunk ameriKan globo-cop. No matter how many church steeples you've got!


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