Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tax dollars go for construction of Big Brother palaces; MO GOP snake covertly admits vote manipulation against Ron Paul, brazen partisanship

It seems to be a more and more frequent occurrence that the establishment has made some ghastly new advance in citizen surveillance as if that's what government was invented to do. Today at the world's greatest general news page (, two stunning items:
NWO Police State Infrastructure Emerging
Under construction, Canada's new $880 million electronic spy HQ in Ottawa, which will spy on Americans and the whole world.
NSA Utah ‘Data Center’: Biggest-ever domestic spying lab?

How about that? In ONE day's news, a new spy mecca is unveiled in both Canada and the US -- but the one in Canada is yet another layer of spying on American citizens!?! Is it further proof of a "CanAMex" merger in progress? As an American, I weep for my country to see it happen so easily, with so little resistance. As a nontaxpayer, my cold comfort is knowing that I am not helping to fund it.

...........This is useful. Will you help it go viral?
Hidden Camera Catches Missouri GOP Admitting They Rigged....


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