Friday, January 27, 2012

Man bites dog! Phil Donahue and Piers Morgan talk sense

Rumor had it that Phil Donahue was backing Ron Paul. Trust BrasscheckTV to send a file that fills the gap for us who don't have TVs!

Phil Donahue, an American media personality, writer, and film
producer best known as the creator and host of 'The Phil Donahue
Show', was interviewed recently and had some very common sense
arguments against the next war.

"You can hear the drums in the background," says Phil as we listen
to any one of the Presidential candidates on the campaign trail.
"You can't use an anti-war platform to get elected, so maybe that
explains why it's so easy for us to go to war."

Phil's right, but I certainly hope he's wrong...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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...........Phil is 77 years old, and has spent his entire filthy-rich career putting common sense through the meat grinder as millions watched on their sets at home. Better late than never, though. Notice:

* Dialectically, the implication is that "pacifist" is a dirty word that nobody should want to be called. I've got news for them -- PEACE IS PATRIOTIC, as come to think of it they also imply.

* Discreetly unmentioned by these two card-carrying leftomaniacs is the present most notorious warmonger in entire the world -- Obama. In fact, Phil makes his point with reference to only Republicans. Discreetly unmentioned as he reaches back TWENTY-NINE YEARS through history to refer to the US invasion of Grenada: Slick's Monica war against the former Yugoslavia.

* "It looks like we've become a warrior nation" -- partly with your help, Phil! And overwhelmingly through the influence of your industry.

Forgive me -- I'm thrilled to see two talking head deities chatting this way. I have suffered such anguish seeing them and their ilk wreck civilization all my life that I'm now compulsive about condemning them.

I don't think history would condemn me for it if they for some bizarre reason took notice of this piercing yet far from famous blogger.

War brings safety -- peace is dangerous. One of the many upendings of sanity that REPUBLICAN politicians have brought us in the mad post-9/11 age. "Yeah, 9/11 changed everything," all right -- up is down, right is wrong, war is peace, "The greatest country on earth" is the biggest human terror on it.


PS Just for fun I just looked up the 15-minute Grenada "war" in Wikipedia. Har, har, the theme cooked up for it was "Operation Urgent Fury". Isn't that cute? Baby babblings can be so endearing.

At the timr I was a rock-ribbed reactionary Repub in my groping for a political position that made some kind of sense. I attempted to defend the 15-minute war to my leftwing boss in the organ business. "Sure," he scoffed, "action maybe have been needed, but that's like going after a mosquito with an elephant gun!"

Letwingers have greatly helped me on my way -- sometimes by being whacko, sometimes via their sanity.

Time for some good news. Here it is from our friend and frequent meeting speaker Steven Yates:


I am pleased to announce the recent publication of my new book, Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Public (Brush Fire Press International).

This book surveys the full sweep of early and recent U.S. history to argue that what was becoming the greatest civilization in human history was hijacked and taken in a specific direction, in accordance with four mistakes we made along the way, the four cardinal errors: (1) Our ancestors failed to secure full economic independence from the British Crown in the 1790s. (2) A generation or so later, our country embraced an educational system steeped in Prussian assumptions (that the individual is owned by the state) instead of American ones (we are owned only by ourselves and our God). (3) We replaced the native Christian traditions of our Founders with a materialist worldview, the product of the Enlightenment and of the need for a mass consumption culture. And (4) We failed to recognize the centrality of the British Fabian Society (founded in 1884) for the subversion of a culture based on self-reliance and enterprise and its replacement by one encouraging collectivism, dependency, and welfare-statism.

By the 1960s-1970s these had begun to dovetail; the past half century reveals the history of the rising of those I call the superelite: a cabal of globalist financiers and Fabians who had begun directing as many nations as they were able to control towards a singular goal--world government, run in accordance with a techno-feudalism in which the individual person would have no rights against government or global corporations. The superelite has been working for over a century through national political and economic elites including the two dominant political parties of America, the Federal Reserve System the founding of which they engineered in 1913, mass media and many other globalist-leaning corporations, diverse organizations including the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum, and others; through "free trade" agreements such as NAFTA; and through a government-controlled educational system aiming at subservience and conformity.

This is not a "conspiracy theory." It is an account of directed history. By the 2000 decade, this effort was sufficiently accomplished that there was no need to hide any longer (see David Rockefeller Sr.'s Memoirs published in 2002), although as early as 1970, leaders of this cabal were openly writing down and publishing their plans for how they wanted modern civilization to "evolve" (an example is Zbigniew Brzezinski's Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era published in 1970). Hitler, let us recall, also wrote down his intentions in Mein Kampf. Had he been read, believed, and seen for what he was, the history of the 1930s and 1940s might have turned out quite different!

Four Cardinal Errors is intended to present an overview of this history, discuss in stark detail where globalism and Fabianism have brought this country, and evaluate existing strategies for opposing an agenda which, if it comes to full fruition, will almost assuredly mean the continued decline of the United States of America as a world power, not to mention the utter destruction of the American middle class and what little is left of Constitutionally limited government.

Please note: I am willing to speak to your organizations. Simply respond to this email accordingly. I have attached a flier so that you can order copies of Four Cardinal Errors at a discounted rate.

Thank you for reading. Please note: this is a one time emailing; you have not been added to any list. You are receiving this because you are in my address book. If you wish to be removed, please inform me.


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