Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Congressional shenanigans easily outshone by Ron Paul

First email in my inbox at this moment:

Ron Paul Supports Celente’s Call for “Intellectual Revolution”
KINGSTON, NY, 18 January 2012 — Following his second-place finish in the New Hampshire GOP primary, when Ron Paul stood before the television cameras to address the crowd, he didn’t crow about his personal victory or denigrate his opponents. Instead, he told supporters that “we are dangerous to the status quo of the country,” and spoke about the power of ideas.

“I think the Intellectual Revolution that’s going on now to restore liberty in this country is well on its way, and there’s no way they’re going to stop the momentum that we have started,” Ron Paul said.

In fact, Gerald Celente has been championing the call for an “Intellectual Revolution” for years. In 2009 he secured the domain, and in an April 2009 Trend Alert he wrote:

“I am calling for an ‘Intellectual Revolution.’ This is a revolution about thinking – not manning the barricades. It’s about brain power – not brute force.

Nothing short of total repudiation of our entrenched systems can rescue America. We are under the control of a two-headed, one party political system. Wall Street controls our financial lives; the media manipulates our minds. These systems cannot be changed from within. There is no alternative. Without a revolution, these institutions will bankrupt the country, keep fighting failed wars, start new ones, and hold us in intellectual subjugation.”
Congressman Chabot of Pennsylvania was giving a speech in a public place. Two constituents were recording this. A policeman told both of them this was illegal and to hand over their cell phones. They both insisted they had every right to do this. The policemen told them they did not, that it was against the law.

People have always asked me what I thought it would take to get us free again. Maybe they're thinking massive civil disobedience, an armed takeover or something -- but I always tell them "All it would take is for the truth to spread to enough people, and the system would fall bloodlessly. That means people like you and me simply spreading the truth and exposing the lies in sufficient numbers." Great that Ron and Gerald have caught up with me!

PLEASE watch the CONgressman Chabot video -- and relish the reason the jack-booted thugs give for rupturing the First Amendment: for the protection of the attendees!

Awww, they're so caring, aren't they? After all, if your video catches the back of Mrs. Miller's head sitting in front of you, word could get out that SHE ATTENDED THIS PUBLIC EVENT! Don'cha know it could damage her reputation, cause her to lose her job, embarrass her before friends who could wrongly (or rightly) assume she supports CONg. Chabot, etc.... and she would sue the police for allowing you to film her from behind.... and the police dept. would never recover!

I guess I'll have to give up on Charter webmail's reliability -- there was another email just now headlining Ron Paul's insistence that the average America's fair share of income taxes is zero. I mainly wanted to point out that it's exciting, liberating things like that that make Dr. Paul stand out and cause him to be made a "non-person" in the Orwellian sense by both the media-government complex and the GOP establishment.

In glaring contrast to the rest of 'em, Ron gives us the things we really want! He tells us what we want to hear, but the shocking irony is that when he says it, its true -- whereas the others only talk truth and reality on the campaign trail WITHOUT MEANING A WORD OF IT.

At the debate in Myrtle Beach I was interviewed by Jon Camp of ABC affiliate WTVD in Charlotte. Told him that Ron's the only Republican contender who's even human. He wanted to know why. "Because," I said, "the others are all clearly from some other planet where they're immune to what the people here really think, want and need." No doubt it would have gotten broadcast if I hadn't made the mistake of giving his partner a copy of The Real News.

It's always so good to have the opportunity to wake up to the sound of the Russ Cassell show on Greenville's WORD-AM. This morning Russ was really going strong on the above subjects. "The Republican Party hates Constitutionalists," he declared. "The Republican Party hates conservatives -- and that's why they want nothing to do with you Ron Paul people out there. They consider you a huge annoyance!"

Now for a little good news:
The first state to rebel against indefinite detention


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