Thursday, July 21, 2011

Putting the right name on it: WITCH HUNTS are an age-old LIBERAL specialty

If you'll study liberals for any slightest modicum of time you'll note a strange thing about them: whatever they accuse others of, that's what they themselves are doing the most.

When I was a junior in high school, the senior class's play was The Crucible, in which cynical Jewish author lays yet another stratum of guilt and opprobrium on white people by resurrecting the sensational Salem witchcraft frenzy. Oh, how we of the caucasian persuasion reveled in self-hatred via this and many, MANY other cultural expressions. It was the thing to do!

The Salem witch trials are given the same kind of negative historical spin as Southern slavery, but somehow the area in which they took place -- New England -- never loses a smidgen of its reputation. Its halo as a "progressive" wonderland is undimmed despite this genuinely horrible chapter out of ameriKan history.

The pious, self-righteous ancestors of today's Northeastern liberal diversitarians would be pleased with their supposed love of "tolerance". But eerily, this quite often manifests itself in the hysterical lynching of parties suddenly found to be in violation of current dogma. What was the "Civil War" but an epileptic fit of "we are more pure than they are, we must save them by defaming and then massacring them" on the part of the pompous yankees?

Now the "eastern establishment" (e.g. Massachusetts Kennedys and Maine/Connecticut Bushes) are running the world. Is it not remarkable that they run around a certain part of it vilifying and then saving/killing numerous peoples there in the name of peace and love?

Similarly, that establishment is now openly anti-Christian, no matter how many of its members purport to be good Whiskeypalians or Methodists, etc. They have been on the warpath against you and me for a long, long time..... so having been personally witch-hunted by the worst of 'em myself, I must say it's gratifying whenever somebody actually calls this process what it is in print.


Liberals Launch Christian Witch Trials

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