There was good news from the rightly hated Bilderberg conference today as well -- Canada has turned down the idea of a global banker's tax applying to Canadians. A compromise was worked out whereby it will be up to individual countries to decide whether to gouge citizens that far. Where has this been heard before?
Oh yes -- it used to be called nullification 'round heah.
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Election spooks lawmakers, curbs Congress spending
Jun 7, 7:09 AM (ET)
WASHINGTON (AP) - The 2010 elections have changed the direction of government only half way through the primary season, with voter anger and economic jitters causing lawmakers to balk at their most basic duties as well as key elements of President Barack Obama's agenda.
After betting their political future on a government-mandated expansion of health care to include millions more Americans, Democrats appear to have little appetite for more legislative showdowns given voter rebellion against government spending amid trillion dollar-plus annual deficits.
The solution in some cases is to simply not vote. Immigration reform is too politically toxic. Key bills with massive price tags are getting shelved.
Congress' core duty, exercising its power of the purse by passing a budget? Negative. A vote for it could be seen as a vote for deficit spending. There's no sign of the 12 annual spending bills that typically come up in June...........
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