Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The government giveth, the government taketh away

"In addition, the glitch caused the IRS to issue another $19 million in refunds that should have been flagged as potentially fraudulent, inspectors found."
IRS Mistakenly Issued $46 Million in Tax Refunds Due to Glitch 

How many pages are there in the U.S. tax code - WTF fun facts

In our next story TheGreat One is vindcated all over again:
Feds working to put SC ‘Sovereign Citizens’ in prison for getting huge income tax refunds

Perhaps 10 years ago various people we knew discovered this process and ecstatically cashed in big. If any actually got to keep the money, it was precious few. Most get themselves in serious trouble, because when the IRS giveth back, it's often in a pharaonic sense (revisit book of Exodus).

If something looks too good to be true, it probably is. Not always, but mostly.


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