Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Big announcement: fedgov will now launch a startlingly new, innovative concept

U.S. creates new agency to lead cyberthreat tracking

Fooled you!

But at the risk of marring the paraprosdokian impact of the above revelation, I compulsively ask yet again: If the FBI, CIA, BMEWS, NORAD, DOD, NORTHCOM, Department of Home Insecurity and on and on and on haven't made us safe from "terror", what good will it do to add yet another layer of "TRACKING"?

Keeping us safe is clearly not what they're doing. We're not safe as long as our borders are destroyed, and this constant bombing of total strangers that Israel doesn't like accomplishes absolutely nothing of any value, even for Israel. There are 5 or 500 other agendas at work there, but the more the government hollers about making us safer, the more it itself simultaneously rapes, robs and murders us.

Yes, rapes, robs and murders!

It's a given that if citizens won't organize to bring sanity and perspective where ever-increasing "defense" madness exists, "defense" is going to go on devouring more and ever more funds, natural resources, human potential and meaning from our lives.

We call things what they are around here, not what people fondly hope or desperately imagine they are.


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