Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Minimum wage in a nutshell

The basic idea of "liberalism" can be summed up in many ways. Central planning is a biggie. Another is the concept of a fiat economy. Well, "liberalism" means fiat everything, in other words dictatorship according to political correctness.

Fiat is the third-person imperative of "to be" in Latin, i.e. some kind of order, command or strong wish. "Fiat lux" -- let there be light. In modern politics, it's a more diplomatic way of saying dictate or mandate as nouns. WE the pundits, planners and professional prostiticians will order you the little nothing citizens and taxpayers in how it's going to be. WE know better than you according to socio-economic THEORIES taught us by bowtied professors in the most respected (if least respectable) universities in this country and elsewhere.

Minimum wage is where these people say you in business are too selfish to pay people enough for their labor. We the great friends of the working man since Marx and Lenin have news for you -- you're going to raise their pay however we tell you.  

They're ignoring the market, but of course they've been ignoring every natural process except gravity since politicians first undertook to tax Peter to "benefit" Paul.

The rest of the story, the crux: 

Income Inequality a Growing Problem For Housing Market


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