Monday, September 22, 2014

Hollywood: does the propaganda ever end?

PLANET OF THE APES (2001) - Dinner Party

From what I see of the original 1968 Planet of the Apes movie, it had a great message but didn't grind any axes over "racism" etc. From the above clip, it appears that that's all this 21st-century reboot does -- plenty. It almost looks like they're stuck in the 1960s civil wrongs era with its obsession over slavery that had occurred a century previously. Wait a minute -- that's what gliberals ARE, stuck in a civil wrongs time warp. Famously!

"I think the city has about as much diversity as it can handle" -- like this crack against immigration is going to be said at a ruling-class party?

Oh -- the MILITARY ape insists on saying grace over the food! They do have a wild imagination. You can tell who they really hate when they have him paraphrasing Barry Goldwater's "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" in defense of apedom -- conservatives. (Again.)

You're surprised. Right?


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