Sunday, October 27, 2013

USG wreaks havoc with other countries -- even our friends

As the US military committed genocide and ecocide by spreading Agent Orange on the farm fields of Vietnam, it continues blighting the quality of life and the environment in many lands today. Then, as now, the excuse given is that we're "saving" somebody from somebody else, or from themselves, or ourselves from somebody else. Aren't we wonderful!

Examples of this behavior toward the Third World are bad and numerous enough, but most people have no idea how we're damaging our "peers" among first-world countries. Merely the latest such headline to come to this blogger's attention:
Swiss Bank Blames DoJ Tax Investigation For Shutdown

Maybe you have the same initial reaction to it as I -- that it was a reference to the shutdown of the US fedgov itself. Not so -- it's simply that ameriKa has just killed an entire Swiss bank and put perhaps hundreds or thousands of Europeans out of work it our quest for world dictatorship by threat, intimidation and other gangster tactics.  

ameriKa has a "terrorism" psychosis that drives us to run around killing Mideastern countries. From the hollow victories we're professing to there, it's a small step to start bullying our longtime European friends using the same terror shtick. Because we arrogate world domination to ourselves, everybody hates us (so the story goes) and wants to wipe us out.

In other words, what prexy bush called TERR'ISM is scaring us so bad we have no choice but to treat everybody as a terr'ist waiting to happen, and that means even Swiss banks -- for centuries one of the most important pillars of world prosperity -- must disrobe before our NSA goons to prove they're not hiding any weapons. Or as we put it to them, to make sure no dirty Ayrabs (or disillusioned ameriKans) are are using those institutions to hide or "launder" money to aid their TERR'ISM!

We care not what impact these actions have on anybody. We were used to being respected and admired by the rest of the world but that drug isn't strong enough anymore: now we want its fear and its worship, and what a handy pretext this "terror" thing is for grabbing that gusto for ourselves!

Stateside, Obummercare is destroying what was left of the private sector. Will we be forcing it on the world too once it's fully at our feet? You know, to show who's the meanest, baddest, most vicious yet loving and lovable kid on the block.

Agent Orange Timeline

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