Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Unintentionally ironic article from communist Bloomberg on libertarian Bitcoin

Michael Bloomberg may be one of the most evil people alive. He's mayor of New York City -- an extreme stain on anyone's character, as no decent, moral person is ever allowed near the job. (That is not a joke.) On assuming office one of his first official acts was to lay down a policy forcing "abortion training as an 'additional required component to OB/GYN residency programs in all New York City city-owned hospitals'" (consciencelaws.org), even religious ones. This unbelievable shock to the system caused an uproar at the time but isn't even mentioned in Wikipedia's glowing tribute to him. Bloomberg's daughter exposed her family's corner of the leftist plutocracy in the documentary Born Rich. It was viewable free in Youtube but seems to have been dropped. Its sequel The One Percent still is, however.

In brief, this creature Bloomberg is a communist devil. Despite endless rounds of dogooder activity and honors, he clearly opposes a great many things that human happiness depends on -- most of all FREEDOM. Get the latest from his much-worshiped online magazine (named after himself, of course):

Bitcoin Really Is an Existential Threat to the Modern Liberal State

Almost without exception, the "dangers" the writer laments are simply basic building blocks of a happy, free, stable, prosperous society. "An existential threat to the modern liberal state"? Well hush my mouth, is Bitcoin really so good as to threaten "liberal" politics and economics? Let's look at the big three areas causing Mr. Soltas to lose the most sleep:

1. Taxation -- what is this world coming to if people finally regain a measure of financial privacy? Taxation as we know it IS A CRIME regardless of how many people willingly, even joyfully submit to it. Everything's upside-down in this school of thought. Note the running implication in the article that all money belongs to the absolutist State -- somehow it's a given that the state never sins, never errs, never crushes the life out of innocent people, and deserves every penny of our pay and our buying and selling that it lays claim to. If that isn't pure New York thinking, what is?

2. "Police: It would be almost impossible for states to detect certain crimes. One of the major alleged uses of Bitcoin -- though, of course, one can never truly know -- is buying illicit drugs." Oh, how they suddenly care about people drugging themselves when it fits their agenda. It's the ilk of Michael Bloomberg that gives us long-running curses like the no-win drug war and other forms of totally unreasonable regulation, snooping and restriction. How many other of these crimes Soltas fidgets about are victimless, artificial, fantasy-driven? This blogger agrees that total drug legalization would be a far from perfect solution to the problem, but that it's the least of multiple evils modern post-Christian has to choose from on the subject.

3. "Macroeconomic policy:A Bitcoin economy would undermine the power of real-world central banks to make monetary policy." How good can this get? Central banks, a social good?Who was it, once again, that gave us paper "money" in the first place (a thing condemned by the very statesmen whose images bedeck our greenbacks)? Who gave us the so-called federal reserve, runaway inflation, viciously enforced funny-money monopolism? WHO ARE THEY or any of their defenders to accuse Bitcoin of creating a financial BUBBLE?

In a better world -- in an even half-decent, 1/4-intelligent world -- Bloomberg.com would singing the praises of Bitcoin and writing to demand Liberty Dollar be made whole by the fedgov that has smashed it against the wishes of freedom lovers, the Framers, and all calling for monetary sanity.

The Patriot Network doesn't support tax evasion, only the legal tax avoidance whose legitimacy courts have repeatedly affirmed. But it's seriously doubtful that any of the statist maniacs at Bloomberg know the difference.

Bloomberg.com is SICK. The "modern liberal state" is EVIL. The whole establishment is COMMUNIST. Go, Bitcoin, go!

personal opinions of blogger /\/.\/\/.

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