Thursday, April 11, 2013

That was no Lady, that was Margaret Thatcher.... cont.

Another fine article debunks the sickeningly pompous, artificial, stilted, grossly British politician:
Margaret Thatcher’s Criminal Legacy

Someday, if we're lucky, people will learn to go by the realities behind glittering surfaces. It would spoil all their fun, 'tis true. Spitting Image video for the day -- the crew's absolute best. Note the whole immediate royal family as out-of-tune rock stars, and please listen carefully to those lyrics!
Spitting Images : Queen. We are the Royal Family spoof

..........Has somebody been reading this blog? Just recently I was nailing institutions as the medium by which communists have used to take over everything. We writers, we obsess over sharpening our tools this way, but only in order to communicate more persuasively. Anyway, I don't remember a single article or talk every homing in on the real center of the problem before my piece, and now this hot stuff:
The Long March Away from the Institutions

Haha, great name -- John Maelstrom! The common noun meaning (for instance) "a restless, disordered, or tumultuous state of affairs: the maelstrom of early morning traffic" looks like a regularly-formed Scandinavian surname, doesn't it?


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