Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's the institutions -- handy buzzword

Add Pizza Hut to the list of companies no decent person has anything to do with:
Pizza man saved by gun, but fired for packin' heat

It's supposed to be the classic all-American self-made company, isn't it? It's been a while since I subscribed to the American Family Association's AFA Journal, but I feel certain Pizza Hut was one of the companies frequently cited for sponsoring trash TV. You know, like that other bastion of pure ameriKanism -- Quaker Oats, with the picture of the smiling Christian dissenter (circa maybe 1700) on the front of the box?

The Quakers really should have sued that company for even superficially associating itself with their movement once the trash TV era came along. And Pizza Hut should have at least been boycotted by Italians since the beginning. It has never been worthy of the name taste-wise. In view of this news, they richly deserve to be shunned by the public till there's nothing left of them! (You may laugh or say I'm tilting at windmills expecting traditionally Christian people to act this way, but guess what? It's exactly, precisely how the enemy has taken over.)

When I call Pizza Hut's products substandard it's no mere sour grapes, either. If it's possible for anything to taste less like pizza than this brand, I wonder what it is.

Being a passionate, habitual, sometimes acclaimed scribbler like me is a labor of love. (Try it -- it's literally good for what ails you!) You've got 26 letters, the average ameriKan knows only a few thousand words, political correctness is busily corrupting and stealing the meaning of every word that has any socio-political import, like a bunch of mischievous brats going down a street switching street signs at every corner.

The challenge is wrapping the right verbiage around concepts, one after another, in was that will not only register with the public but fire them up. One such challenge In summing up the forces arrayed against us, the people*, in pursuit of their antichrist "new world order" -- government, media, church, education, advertising, mega-corporations, banks et al. My chosen catchall term for these is of course INSTITUTIONS. Do you like it?

The bigger an more influential an institution gets, the more sheerly evil. I hate to even type in such a sweepingly negative, fateful thing, but somebody's got to say it. Can anybody think of an exception? Pizza Hut is typical. According to Wikipedia, two guys started the chain with a loan from their mother to buy used restaurant equipment, and is now an international phenomenon under the umbrella of Yum! brands, the world's largest restaurant company. This couldn't have happened in the USSR, China or India at the time -- then the world's three hugest aggregations of humanity -- but in the framework of American free enterprise the wheels of progress were well-greased.

How have they repaid The American Way Of Life? the Hut can't be blamed for its parent company's behavior, but aha, I see Yum! was "the most frequent advertise of trash TV" till nosed out by Subway. The Hut is either a star of that show or goes right along with the program!

Ha, "the lesser of two evils" -- somebody's got a sense of humor just right for this age of endlessly piled-up ironies.

Whatever your political persuasion, take a look and see if you don't agree that it's INSTITUTIONS that are working 24/7 to wreck the American way of life that made their existence and prosperity possible. With Pizza Hut's ban on drivers arming themselves -- and even firing one who did so to great effect, removing a criminal from the gene pool -- it is revealed as a shocking case in point.

This just in -- I don't get it, but it looks ominous:
Proof Corporations are Looting America

As I expected, the sensational news I put up yesterday has been revealed to be fake -- a "satire" as my correspondent put it.

*or as some people would ungrammatically put it, "the forces arrayed against we the people".


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