Thursday, March 28, 2013

Another black spokesman against Obama

This is getting good!
Black Chamber Of Commerce CEO: Obama Is Tyrannical And Borderline Communist

His name is Henry C. Alford. The irony here is that he (rightly) decries Obama's opposition of the "right to work", i.e. to choose and work your job without being forced to join a union. This is a very key issue you don't hear much about. Forced unionism is one of the means by which gliberals have claimed for over a century to uplift the downtrodden classes --that's right, they purport to believe stealing freedom gives you more of it. So again a courageous minority spokesman dares to just stomp politely all over the gliberal myths we live by. Why isn't the interviewer more enthused?

More on Mr. Alford and his NAACP-defiant organization:


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