Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Legal currents in the air; a centenary that will live in infamy

We may have started a new PN club tonight here in SC, and among many fascinating subjects covered in the car en route was the difference between lawful and legal. I believe what we're all pushing for is a return to what's lawful -- i.e. what's truly, innately right and lucky enough to be affirmed as such by courts over time. Commies go for what's "legal", that is, whatever's legislated just because they want it to be so, regardless of what citizens actually want or need. "Legalize abortion" -- that's what some commies say, because "lawfulize abortion" would be a ridiculous contradiction in terms, even if the banshees screaming that motto were capable of understanding the difference. (At our most recent musical Angicanoid Sunday dinner I again found occasion to shoot down the word "abortion" in this context in favor of the more rightly horrible-sounding term "feticide" -- the only one word actually covers what people are talking about.)

It may be that John the Baptist was with me on this lawful distinction. "It is not lawful for you to have her," he told the adulterous King Herod of the amoral Salome, although the monster had -- Henry VIII style -- probably passed a "law" legalizing his adultery.

Here's a classic case of commies using the knockoff concept to justify whatever Frankenstein politics they want to pull off:

Holder: It’s ’Legal’ to Drone Strike Americans

Words are important. The dichotomy at hand is crucially, vitally, centrally important. Just imagine a world, or an America, in which the public has learned the blessed concept of lawfulness and finally recognizes the mortal danger of confusing it with what mere legality brings. It might shock most people, but the high and mighty can legalize all the citizen murder they want, and it will never be lawful. Never! Their legalities and legalisms are lawless. The System itself knows this even as it's making everything up as it goes along.

Keeping your whole paycheck is lawful -- you have every right to do it, and you should. "Income taxes" may be legal but they're not lawful -- they're abominable to God's law and even to the U.S. Constitution, for those who insist on cleaviing to it. Politicians like Holder and Obummer who think they can do anything the h*** they want and slap a thin coat of "legality" on it when the natives get restless -- they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, let's just leave it at that.

Now for some legal news that's exciting and beautful -- a real breakthrough!

Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Exposing Connections Between DOJ and Controversial Southern Policy Law Center

It used to be just us supposed extremists crying in the wilderness about these laughably-misnamed communist hate groups the SPLC, Anti-Defamation League, Wiesenthal Center etc. Then maybe ten years ago this truth started to crawl into the mainstream with coverage by Harper's, Montgomery Advertiser, Chronicles. Most recently SPLC has ticked off even some squishy-soft "Christian" outfits like Family Research Council; for Judicial Watch to go after them may mean we're starting to go places in exposing the "liberal" hate industry.

Back to the real world.... an anniversary from hell has just passed that every ameriKan should note and -- mourn quite loudly: Sometime this year are the 100th birthdays of the Fed and IRS. I was told months ago it was Feb. 6, but others don't seem to agree:

The Unhappy, Big-Government Feeding 100th Birthday of America’s Income Tax

Think of it -- a century of misery, oppression and dispossession for what was supposed to be the "greatest country in the world." The fact that most people don't think of it that way doesn't mean it's not so. How much more prosperous would your family be without this bloodsucking having blighting the last four generations? How much healthier a society would we enjoy if people had just said no from the first to every form of balderdash the political mind can concoct, seeing to the very simple task of proper discernment in such things all the way down the line?

Smart people who do stupid things are harmed and monkeyfied thereby. A nation of supernally educated and accomplished scientists, educators, artists, creators, designers that puts up with the stupid nonsense of wage taxation cannot be called intelligent; its populace cannot be called mature or well-developed. You're not leading a normal life if you obsessively insist on living every day with a finger stuck in your ear -- that's about what this "income tax" thing amounts to.

Why the quote marks, you say? Because again, the operative term (income tax) is totally wrong for what's intended. What people call "income taxes" I've referred to by its proper name somewhere on this page. Find it, and you get a free, vintage copy of Gary Allen's pioneering None Dare Call It Conspiracy and, location permitting, a free music lesson from yours truly.

Personal opinions of blogger /\/.\/\/. torpenhow@charter.net

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