Thursday, February 28, 2013

Politicians are really at war with.... you. "Former IRS Special Agent Reflects On Shared Birthday With Income"

Surely the above is the upshot of something like THIS
Retired Military Leaders Demand A Plan

......wherein a bunch of politicians and retired soldier boys look you straight in the eye and demand, in so many words, "FREEDOM DOESN'T WORK. WE NEED A DICTATORSHIP."

My favorite comment of those spewed by these illustrious, he-man suits is the guy whose scripted line is "guns belong in a safe place." Voila, gliberalism with a fresh coat of paint -- chartreuse with vermilion polka-dots! Show us this safe place, would ya guv'nah?

For those not totally out of love with uniforms yet, here's the background of the ad. Such patriotism!
Retired General Tells Biden: Military Can Help With Gun Control Agenda

.......Now for something really special -- a message from genuine "income tax" hero Joseph Banister. As a gun-toting IRS agent years ago, he and two colleagues had the guts to take out full-page ads in USA Today exposing the basic fraud of the IRS. They were quickly fired -- some have been persecuted. Banister beat their freedom of speech case against him, an exciting day in Cause history I treasure in memory.... had no idea about his birthday!

I took a little break from blogging this week. Glad to see none of you committed suicide over my absence..... 

Personal opinion of blogger  /\/.\/\/.

Dear Friends,
Although not widely publicized in the past, I learned during the early phase of my investigation into the federal income tax system that I have the dubious "honor" of sharing the same birth date as our contemporary federal income tax system.
February 25th has been a pivotal date not only in my own life but in the lives of every single American that has lived since the dawn of the 20th century.  Let us take a closer look, in chronological order, at what that date has meant to me during my lifetime as well as the founding and ongoing cover-up of the horrible injustice that is the federal income tax system in America.
On February 25th, 1913, U.S. Secretary of State Philander Knox issued his formal certification enabling the 16th Amendment to become officially and formally part of the U.S. Constitution. Fifty years later, to the day, on February 25th, 1963, I was born in San Jose, California.  Eighty-six years later, to the day, February 25th, 1999, after having served approximately five and one-half years as an Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent, I resigned from the IRS after having confronted my IRS supervisors with evidence that the federal income tax was being administered and enforced beyond what the law and Constitution authorized.  One hundred years later, to the day, February 25th, 2013, I give thanks to God that I can celebrate my fiftieth birthday but I must also painfully acknowledge the 100-year "birthday" of the nightmarish federal income tax apparatus that continues to haunt the American people.
My intention in writing to you to today is not to provide a definitive exegesis addressing all of the ills of the federal income tax system.  I will not at this time be addressing the fraudulent ratification of the 16th amendment nor will I be addressing the lies that the Internal Revenue Service has told the American public about the constitutional definition of the term "income" nor the suspicious refusals to dialogue with me when opportunities came about nor the fact that the IRS's own internal structure provides further proof that the agency has been lying to the American people for decades about their federal income tax obligations nor the minefield prepared for Americans who question the boundaries of IRS authority and/or IRS tactics.  No, listing and describing the horrible ramifications of the system "born" on this day 100 years ago could fill many volumes and is way beyond the scope of this brief birthday message to my friends.
I can only write to encourage you to verify the facts for yourself and then disseminate those facts to your fellow Americans as widely and rapidly as possible.  I believe the facts will lead you to conclude, as I have concluded, that federal government legislators and bureaucrats lied to the American people in order to usher in the 16th (income tax) Amendment in the first place.  I believe the facts will lead you to further conclude, as I have concluded, that legislators and bureaucrats throughout the past 100 years, along with a willing and complicit "mainstream" media, have continued to perpetrate numerous other deceits and fraudulent machinations to fool unsuspecting Americans into believing the level of authority the IRS exercises is the level of authority granted to it by the Constitution and the law.  In short, the IRS takes advantage of the American public's trust and limited knowledge about income taxation restrictions in order to protect various lies and deceits that are now as much as 100 years old.
If the federal government can deceive out of you and/or steal from you a penny or a dollar, they can deceive or steal all of your property.  And if the federal government and complicit state governments can steal from or unjustly accuse any of your fellow Americans, they will eventually get around to stealing from or unjustly accusing you.
I hope you will dedicate yourself to work for honesty in taxation, especially income taxation, and help me diminish and one day stop IRS persecutions that have been visited upon our fellow Americans.  I have dedicated myself to doing so.  I am not even asking (and actually would discourage) you to battle with the IRS one on one.  You can simply spread the word quietly and politely, but fervently, to your fellow Americans and encourage them to see how we all have been lied to for now these 100 years.
I offer my sincerest gratitude to all who have prayed for me and supported me in other ways these past 14 years (from my February 25th, 1999 IRS resignation date through today). Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you. Although quite a bit more white hairs are found on my head these days, I will do my best to continue "fighting government bullies" as I have done since 1999.

Warmest Regards,

Joe Banister

Please click here for a list of "must see" videos of interviews I did during 2012 and beyond.
Please click here for a sample of a letter you can send to your state and federal legislators to urge them not to cave in to the hysterical gun control advocates.
Pray that God may bless our nation with an increase in justice and a decrease in corruption.
Inviting others to join my email list is also encouraged and appreciated.  Or view a sample of prior newsletters here.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Detroit..... another planet from here, or another universe?

We occasionally get asked if there's some way to quit paying property taxes. Many things have been tried. Dr. Clarkson's short answer would have been they're something that can't just be opted out of -- but that may be Changeing along with so many things in the Age of Obummer:
Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes

Note that people don't pay because basic services are provided. People post comments saying it's the other way around and if everybody would pay life would be wonderful, but as with all yankee paradises, taxes are absurdly, crazily, insanely high there, so how can they? Combine that factor with a population devolved to virtually third-world ruin and you've got a great microcosm of leftism in its essence.

Superlatives and stats from hell are in fact tragicomically easy to amass about Detroit -- can one help stumbling over them? There are websites devoted to pictures of abandoned, ruined, bedraggled Detroit architecture, including opulent, fortress-like three-story brick mansions. Much of the city is being reclaimed by nature. Photo captions from its Wikipedia article: Michigan Central Train Station, registered historic place unused since 1988; Lee Plaza, a vacant high-rise apartment building and registered historic place.

The above link was the top story at today.  Here's the second:

Whoa, I can't believe this -- that's a panoply of the twenty most miserable cities nationwide, and #3 is Rockford, Illinois, where high property taxes are cited as one of the main reasons for the crisis! Rockford is the home of the Rockford Institute which publishes Chronicles magazine, the first rightist magazine I ever subscribed to. They're totally free-market and Constitutional, so it's painful irony that socialism is killing their city in particular. Well, what do you want in quintessential yankee states? The survey is dominated by Illinois, Michigan Ohio and California. Why should anybody who takes this tour ever listen to yankees about anything again? (Northerners = people from outside Dixie, many of them fine. Yankees = obnoxious, overbearing Northerners.)

The next photo survey after that is on the cities Americans are moving to. Suddenly you're touring Texas and Florida. One more accidental poll for the pile! I'm not chauvinist, dear non-Southern friends and readers -- It's Better In Dixie, and millions worldwide will tell you so.

Property taxes are a curse on everything -- no less than so-called income taxes. I said a curse, and the fact is they are A CURSE. There should be an uprising among any free people the first time paper-shufflers impose either on them. The fact that we've put up with them all these years and governments are used to operating from them doesn't make them normal, and never will. It's just pure bloodsucking -- otherwise they would show some kind of sensitivity to the market or the economy. Things that operate absolutely unto themselves with no room for human considerations are how we got where we are today. The upshot of them is that only government and politicians matter -- one step removed from worshiping the emperor as God.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

SC Gov. Haley's neoconometer dial just swung to the left

Awwww, an East Indian governor for South Carolina -- what a great new way that was for the classically Southern state to prove it's "moved on" from its "racist and discriminatory past".

Awwww, what a plus for showing we're not opposed to immigration. It didn't make us the diversity poster child of the 50 states, but her campaign did strike such rapture into Newsweek's heart that it turned half an issue over to her charm, her loveliness, her doctoral-level political perspicuity, her skin color, darkish hue, swarthiness, her overall greatness and perfection.

Awwww, we don't mind if she pulls a few leftist punches. It's perfectly understandable, OK and progressive that she's suddenly pulled an Obamacare knockoff out of a hat to force on us all -- isn't it?

Talbert Black of the Palmetto Liberty PAC alerts:

In the middle of an intense battle to protect our state from ObamaCare, our flank is ambushed by Governor Haley.
The State newspaper reported Wednesday that new expansion of state medical programs was introduced Wednesday by House Republicans and supported by Governor Haley.
Haley’s communications director is quoted as saying, "This is a strong plan focused on targeting hotspots of poor health in South Carolina."

The State itemizes HaleyCare with $83 million in new spending mostly aimed at state hospitals.
Does that ring a bell with anyone?

Remember, Haley was the subject of a House Ethics committee investigation last year for accusations that she used her position as a sitting House member to benefit her employer . . .  Lexington Medical Center . . .  a large hospital system in the Midlands.


And now Governor Haley wants to saddle us with more government spending on medical programs?
Does anyone want HaleyCare or ObamaCare?
Remember how she railed against ObamaCare?  Now we know she was secretly plotting her own HaleyCare at the same time!

Enough is enough!

The State reports that, "The proposal is part of the state’s $23 billion budget but would not spend any new money. Instead, it would pay for it using $62 million the state Department of Health and Human Services received last year but did not spend."

$83 million in spending to be paid for with $62 million of last year’s excess . . .  with no new spending?
Someone can’t do simple math!

And isn’t that the problem?

No one in government can!

Besides, how about the novel idea of letting unspent money remain unspent?
Can anyone in government do that?

Call Governor Haley at (803) 734-2100 and tell her we are not interested in HaleyCare or ObamaCare!
And call your Representative and tell him the same thing!

You can find your representative and his contact information at this link:

In Liberty,
Talbert Black

P.S. Wednesday, Governor Haley and House Republicans ambushed us with HaleyCare: $83 million in new state government spending on medical programs.

Call Governor Haley and your State Representative and tell them we don’t want HaleyCare any more than we want ObamaCare!

Governor Haley can be reached at (803) 734-2100.

You can find your representative and his contact information at this link.

..............How's this for an update on US foreign aid at work? Among other things that shall remained unmentioned by me in this here sentence.

..............Some of you are familiar with Dr. Clarkson's great, ironic, mirthful, practical, strategic use of soup kitchens. I keep the tradition going in Anderson. Each day as I park in a spot by the curb, black folk waiting for the bus peer at my bumper sticker, none smiling. I again engaged one in conversation today. "How do you like that message," I said, "'OBAMA BIN LYIN'."

"What does it mean?"

"That Obama's been lying -- to your people, my people, and everybody else. He never had any intention of helping us, only making himself richer and more powerful."

"(Indistinct mumble.)"

"Excuse me?"

"Obama ain't s***."

.........I've been asked many times what's become of Dr. Clarkson's house, our beloved former headquarters that contained the War Room where much of the modern tax freedom movement was hashed out. I drove by the place the other day and it had a blessedly normal look. Somebody's moved in and spruced it up nicely. Slight modifications have been made: the front picture window doesn't protrude anymore. I once drove over there on a whim, something I rarely did, and arrived to find a crisis in progress: baby Gabby's first grandmother had somehow locked her in the house. Gabby was sitting on the living room getting more and more agitated while D--- was breaking one of the big window's side panes. Fortunately I had a key.

The house was of course my first South Carolina home for a year. The wall behind RBC's beloved couch was actually wood-shingled, with many pictures and mementoes pinned to it. What many of you knew as his desk area was the inside of a little bar back then -- Fran would fill orders on it while steaming at our hero.

I first met her in New York City -- the young family had come to see the place and stayed at a big beautiful hotel in exchange for some tax help RBC gave the manager. Oddly enough he was set on trying a Middle Eastern restaurant, the Carawan. It was forgettable, but for dinner we went to the Hard Rock Café. I'd never even seen it -- what a trip. In between I took them to the Empire State Building. As I homed in on its location nothing felt very certain -- the former tallest building in the world couldn't be visually recognized as such anywhere near it.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How Israel was born of sheer cold-blooded terrorism

This isn't going to be very pleasant. You'll hear of atrocities and see a map of the hundreds of Palestinian villages that were destroyed as supremacists moved in and hacked a peaceable people to death.
The Truth about Israel

But some of the spokesmen you'll see spilling the beans on this unbelievably sanguinary censored history are (?) repentant Israelis. Of course, the notion that Palestine, this crossroads of the world where three continents meet, was uninhabited before Zionism..... well, it's the most blatantly preposterous thing since abortionists started telling expectant mothers "don't worry, it's only a mass of tissue."

Again, you will see affirmation that Jews and Arabs were getting along FINE in that part of the world before the Brits, ameriKans et al jumped in and started remaking it in their own image (Zionist maniacs having freshly remade them in their own image, natch.)

It's really very simple -- so very, very simple. Like most of the never-ending problems that fill headlines every day in the first world, this crisis was entirely preventable, unnecessary, curable.... as well as contrived, rigged, conspired, forced, evil personified.

Americans were all about truth and right, but then they got so impressed about their progress they mistook themselves for God. Instead of continuing to listen to the voice of Christ, they bought a bill of goods from a bunch of totally fake Israelites. The latter schooled the former in how they could begin playing God over the world by making these connivers its new government. It was taking God too long to send the Messiah back again, so ameriKa would now proceed to straighten out the Middle East while it waited.

Never mind that we had to create and whip up problems to save it from. Minor detail. Will somebody please prove me wrong? I don't know how much of this madness I can take. I'd really rather not be right on some subjects!

Personal opinions of blogger  /\/.\/\/.,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Woman brags she voted for Obama six times

Our new thesis is that election outcomes that clearly flout the people's will are the tip of a very sinister iceberg: manipulators stealing elections right and left, both high and lowly. This would seem to add fuel to the flames:
Did Obama supporter vote 6 times in 2012? Ohio poll worker target of investigation

Leftism is fueled by claims that life and issues are too complex for mere citizens to understand -- that everything must be left up to professionals, the party and media elites who run things with such supposed aplomb. To get to the freedom movement you have to push past any number of fakes, knockoffs and placebos, but the joy of finding the real thing is partly in seeing how very simple things often are.

Other pundits and organizations have agonized for months and penned pages galore on why Romney lost, just as they scrawled in agony over why McCain lost, why Bush-41 lost re-election et al.... but it couldn't be simpler if it tried:

(1) these candidates are atrocious, unbearable, despicable;
(2) in at least Romney's case, the sheeple almost surely voted for neocon and against dummacrat, but -- once again -- what the kelptocracy likes, the kelptocracy steals. When it says "we like that election; we want to own it!" consider it bought -- or swiped.

This is my studied opinion of what's going on. Obummer get re-elected in a fair fight? Never happen -- not even after the stupefaction the sheeple have been through all this time, not even when they've been taught to hate and destroy themselves for most of a century.

The accused in the above-captioned case, Melowese Richardson, is a poll worker. Look for her to be acquitted or maybe a TV movie to be thrown together on her noble, plucky life.

Personal opinions of blogger /\/.\/\/.

Monday, February 18, 2013

More SS hemorrhage -- Florida this time

The Socialist Surveillance Number was supposed to be so wonderfully handy. Think how much easier it made the IRS's (if you can call it that) work, but also how much fluidity it added to online shopping, bill paying etc. There's only one problem -- humanity can't be trusted with such a system:
Florida Hit by ‘Tsunami’ of Tax Identity Fraud

I've argued with many an employer over their right to demand an SSN, typically arguing from the need for privacy and our alarming ability to preserve it anymore -- and sincerely hope that they catch wind at least some of the cavalcade of news stories in which massive numbers of these cattle tags are stolen or leaked. If any of them lose privacy because of this phenomena personally, my heart bleeds for them, but may they at least hearken back once to the day that they scoffed.

If mailmen are getting gunned down for the purpose of blanket identity theft, it won't be long till we've got crime like Honduras has crime -- in both cases, significantly due to the no-win drug war.

........Here's a techno-ironical headline straight from the Twilight Zone. I'm not sure where to pigeonhole it, so add it here merely as a strange all-purpose anomaly:
NYPD probes mysterious 911 calls from phone line belonging to Katie Couric's late husband

Twilight Zone theme music, please -- Huffington Post comes out on the people's side of the TSA war:
It's The Beginning Of The End For The TSA's Full-Body Scanners

More Twilight Zone music, please -- Katie actually looks human without all that paint on her face:


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reality on film

I remember when Matewan came out in 1987. It was just one of those movies that nobody you know reported seeing, and reviews in guides were pretty ho-hum. It's a shame it wasn't hailed as teaching a lesson much needed then and yet more today. As BrasscheckTV tells it in one of their daily emails:

The Second Amendment talks about a "militia."

The militia is most definitely NOT the National Guard.

Here's one 20th century example of a citizen's militia in action.


- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

What a riveting scene between clear-cut sides of right and wrong! So good to see Chris Cooper in the cast on the good side -- he helped with a lot of values clarification via another movie that never hit the big time but really deserved to:
Pharaoh's Army - Trailer

Yes, that's him on the wrong side here. I suspect this film sends an entirely different (i.e. righter and truer) message than intended.

Wow, I see an incomparable freedom movie is up in Youtube -- the whole thing, in wide screen!
The Robe 1953

It was in fact the first flick filmed in CinemaScope. What a cast -- what sets, music, dialogue, characterizations.... Please don't miss the last 15 minutes or so, but please, please take time to view the whole thing soon. Hollywood refuses to tell any story straight on principle, of course, and here the lie it throws into the works is that Jesus Christ left a paralytic woman paralyzed during his ministry in Cana. "Many crowds followed him, and he healed all of them" -- Matthew 12:15, c.f. Luke 6:19 etc.  The only other real problem is the beatifically silly looks the saints wear some of the time, but that's a quibble in view of where movies have gone since then.

This masterpiece, so studiously ignored by critics today, ends with a perfect example of Christians speaking truth to power -- the great Burton and the entrancing Jean Simmons to Caligula himself, played by the frenzied Jay Robinson. THIS is what drama, lights, camera, action were invented for. THIS is what culture is there to do -- to educate, edify, inspire, and rouse up good people to take it all back from the devil! 

.......Our fraternal organization the South Carolina Conservative Action Council was before the cameras again Saturday. It was our third annual Burning of Columbia remembrance, with the full blessing of the legislature. WLTX-TV interviewed Dr. Carter and me and put a reportedly fine, fair account of it on the 6PM and 11PM news. Compiling a post-mortem email to the leaders, it was pleasantly surprising how many organizations, media outlets and individuals publicized the even in advance, taking the information from releases we sent out. Come to the next Greenville-area PN meeting for the full story.

About those militias... original intent is paramount, and James Madison was probably voicing the general feeling of the founding era what he wrote in 1787 "Who is the militia? It is all the people." The proper militia certainly includes all able-bodied min in a community or country -- you know, the Swiss model. Matewan was portraying what I'd call a posse, but there's probably a yet more precise buzzword for it out there somewhere. I see a letter online that says the term "well-regulated" in the Second Amendment means a force of "well-trained" citizen marksmen, not "regulated" in the tyrannical sense of today.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Things are looking up for CNG -- and us, thank God. California tax hell

Compressed natural gas is one way of breaking Big Oil's stranglehold on our lives. Compressed air is another. Both are in fluent use in different parts of the world.
Converting trucks, etc to natural gas

.........Woo hoo, how about this sleeper? 
What Do They Know That We Don’t?

Friday evening when no one was supposed to pay attention, Google announced that Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt would sell 3.2 million of his Google shares in 2013, 42% of the 7.6 million shares he owned at the end of last year—after having already sold 1.8 million shares in 2012. But why would he sell 5 million shares, about 53% of his holdings, with Google stock trading near its all-time high?

“Part of his long-term strategy for individual asset diversification and liquidity,” Google mollified us, according to the Wall Street Journal. Soothing words. Nothing but “a routine diversification of assets.”

Routine? He didn’t sell any in 2008 as the market was crashing. He didn’t sell at the bottom in early 2009. And he didn’t sell during the rest of 2009 as Google shares were soaring, nor in 2010, as they continued to soar. In 2011, he eased out of about 300,000 shares, a mere rounding error in his holdings. But in 2012, he opened the valves, and in 2013, he’d open the floodgates. So it’s not “routine”........

The site's name wasclearly chosen by some crotch-o-centric yankee, but it does have a measure of thoughtful writing in it.......Now, a lurid window on California's ongoing hara-kiri using tax madness:
Are Higher Taxes Killing California Tax Collection? 
Hah! "Are Higher Taxes Killing California Tax Collection"! With such jaundiced wit, this link barely escaped my stowing it in a thread I'm building elsewhere titled "Irony extravaganza: ironies piled on ironies". But the title is perfectly true -- and how great to see its mention of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers' Association. 

This was one of the earliest manifestations of the post-1960 freedom movement. Its founder, then 76 years old, was often seen on TV sounding off against the very same kinds of tax vampirism plaguing the Golden State today. He was a highly vocal, verbal old fighter who gave further mileage to the "mad as hell" motto and helped build good, healthy disgust with the System nationwide..... or as Wikipedia summarizes him, the nascent politician "spearheaded Proposition 13, the California property tax-cutting initiative passed in 1978 which slashed property taxes by 57% and initiated a national tax revolt." 

If California's act was together it would have a balanced budget, low or no property taxes and a statue of him in the capitol rotunda. As you see, the organization he founded is still on the job over three decades later -- from Prop 13 to Prop 30.

California wanted Governor Moonbeam back, but its population is radically changed from when he was in the job before and squiring Lind Ronstadt to Europe, etc. Wouldn't you love to strap him into a lie detector and find out what he really thinks of the situation?   

"Replacement demographics" -- add it to your verbal arsenal, right up there with "abandonment theology."

Pardon my cynicism..... and please plan to join us Saturday in Columbia:

Come to the S.C. Capitol Feb. 16!
Help send a message to the politicians, media & citizens that
WE REMEMBER -- and they need to.
 WHAT: a Rally in remembrance of the Union’s savage burning of Columbia
WHERE: north side of the South Carolina State House
Gervais and Main Streets, Columbia, S.C.
WHEN: 1:00 noon, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013
All interested will meet for 10:30 AM dutch treat breakfast at the IHOP just west of the State House (1031 Assembly St.)


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The man who made Obummer squirm.... over income taxes among many other things

Am just catching up with the speech in which a notable black doctor was invited to speak at the National Prayer Breakfast, and actually said something regardless what all the nothingness-addicts present or even His Imperial Malevolence thought. It's not bad:
Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast

I and perhaps others had thought he was a preacher for some reason -- maybe because black public figures always turn out to be (just kidding). The speech is about a fourth as strong as I expected -- tepid for my extreme tastes, but way, way ahead of what most people do when presented with such an opportunity. May God bless him. 

Here's another performance by the good Dr. which is indeed a bit stronger yet still disarming:
Dr. Ben Carson on Fox talking about Obamacare

...........Found this sheerly by surfing. Pretty pithy, huh?
An Economist Asks: Who Made Money On 9/11? 

............Why, then, do we have such poor policing of terrorist trading activities? It's a side-effect of what I call "street-level optimisation." Law enforcement agencies are optimised around handling street-level crime. If a suspect's car is stopped with $500 of cocaine on the passenger seat, or a $500 handgun on the passenger seat, police officer will know what to do. Yet, if a suspect's car is stopped with a laptop on the passenger seat containing information on Madoff's fifty-billion-dollar fraud, it's likely that person will simply be issued a speeding ticket and sent on his way. Why? It's partly because police officers are good with drugs and guns, but tend to be less-than-proficient at spreadsheets and finance.......

War profiteering takes many forms. Not only did the fat cats "make out like bandits" on 9/11 but they've gotten filthier rich every day since then on the "war" on "terror". The bizarre extent of it may strike many (of the few aware of it) as bizarre and sinister but something relatively new, a 21st-century aberration of normal economic processes. But the following piece also came in today, exposing ameriKa as the essence of death-for-profit and of the hatred of innocence, weakness and defenselessness in citizens of other countries.... above all the insane craving to make huge profits off of tormenting and genociding them. Warning: mind-numbing ameriKan war crimes described:
"Kill everything that moves"
The unvarnished history of the Vietnam War

Don't say I didn't warn you.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Bazumba computer put on cancer case

I've been stumping for ameriKa and the rest of the "first world" to quit blowing trillions on war, which produces only death and misery, and apply them to healing, fixing, building, and restitution to the System's real victims. (Had this conversation today with my new music student, a GE engineer.)

How about this news?
IBM puts supercomputer to work on cancer

AFP - IBM is putting its Watson supercomputer to work fighting cancer, in what is described as the first commercial program of its kind to use "big data" to help patients with the disease......
"The first commercial" attempt to rally trainloads of cancer research data and parse from it how to banish the disease, huh? Is that another way of saying "Business has been doing marvelous and wonderful things to keep us roundly satiated, but hasn't heretofore gotten around to applying its all to cancer prevention" -- ?

Don't tell me cancer is suddenly a higher priority than fighting TERR'ISM. What will we do if, say, the last $10 allocated for this project would have otherwise have been put to the military budget -- and for want of just $10 more for the mortar shell that would have ended the whole conflict, victory is lost?

Ratings-wise, it begs the question of whether the War is losing its market share of prime time TV viewers to something as icky-poo as a wasting disease reality show. This would signify bad times for ameriKa, as its mind wanders from the heady excitement of pure entertainment fluff to immediate, transcendent reality.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hope for internet privacy

Again technology gives government a huge advantage over the people, threatening to destroy a critical part of their lives and happiness..... and then it appears to give the people a huger advantage in this comunications "race to the moon."
The Threat of Silence
Meet the groundbreaking new encryption app set to revolutionize privacy and freak out the feds 

May it come to pass -- and checkmate tyrants everywhere for a shockingly long time. Keeping your affairs and soul out of their greasy mitts is a game that comes with the 21st century. Your Patriot Network was pioneering privacy strategy since before Algore was veep, much less inventing the internet, ha ha.


Friday, February 8, 2013

More gun ferment: S(il)ly Stallone etc.

Oh, no.... that pompous, illiterate movie muscle fool is a "LIBERAL" on gun rights, same as the rest of Hellywood. Why is this unpleasant surprise not a surprise? Vital humor and insight, some vulgarity:
EDITORIAL: Rambo Supports Assault Weapon Ban

I have never had any use for this clod, ever. Rocky I is the only film of his I've ever seen, and I hated every minute of it. Was dragged to it by a friend and thoroughly disgusted by it, not least when the OISS came right on schedule as in virtually every movie of the 70s onward -- the obligatory illicit sex scene. But the whole movie was impossibly crass, mundane, thuggish, boring, lame, phony and repugnant. You know, sort of like Sylvester Stallone?

...........Back to the real world -- trust the New American to report and summarize a big story like few other entities can (provided it doesn't deal with Jewish supremacism):
Counties and Cities Now Nullifying Gun Control

A county in Indiana has joined the club. More Hoosier excitement:
Gold and Silver Legal Tender Law Introduced in Indiana

Hot headlines today at

Fever Pitched Currency War and U.S. Dollar Rejection in 2013
Unprecedented Demand: Americans Purchase a Gun Every 1.5 Seconds
Seattle Mayor Bans Police From Using Drones
Land of the Free Watch: Florida Highway Patrol Announces Daytime Driver License, Vehicle Inspection Checkpoints
How American Awfulness Stacks Up
Robert De Niro’s Imaginary Neo-Nazi Gangs of Boston
Seeing the Reality of the Vietnam War, 50 Years Late

That last one is special -- supports my thesis that ameriKans are big and mature enough to accept responsibility for any of their national evils and atrocities as long as it's at least fifty years after the fact, the victims and perpetrators are dead, and nobody's paying attention.

Ahh, the joy of FREEDOM matched with sheer, uncut, digital-age GUSTO:
The White House Warns Against Photoshopping Obama but the Internet Can’t Help Itself

Look at those pics and tell me how the system will ever beat us!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Are police there to protect? Plus taxes and 666

There's been a spike of news and discussion on the question of exactly what is required of police during crises involving citizens. We have wanted to believe in the goodness of the men (OK, and women) in blue, and I'm grateful for the times they've come to my aid. But are they even required to protect and defend us when we are attacked or violated -- can one assume that much with any certainty?

I've heard for decades right here in South Carolina that this is not the case -- that police are by law only there to apprehend criminals and report their misdeeds. It may sound like the same thing but that ain't necessarily so. One after another lately, our toughest pundits have been demonstrating the fallacy of it. Luke Rudkowski will now demonstrate that the facts can be shockingly, numbingly opposite -- at least in the Orwellian civic hellhole known as New York City. Warning -- nattering "Excedrin headche" music track:
Special Report: Protected by police? Dream on

It's a complicated subject. The police I've dealt with have seemed quite above board most of the time, but lots of people close to me have horror stories of police arrogance, greed and even bestiality. Early upon moving South I was surprised to overhear a policeman at the next table in a restaurant lamenting that police work had drastically changed in his years on the force -- citizens more callous and demanding, offenders more vicious and bold. He later drank himself to death..... right here in Anderson, S.C. How can any mortal being take up a career in law enforcement in NYC?

I don't want to judge the police in this above story too harshly, but it sounds like they were lowdown scum this time. No surprise that the hyper-Orwellian politicians and media of New York have doubled the mightmare of the crime for the victim. I hope he wins, or won, his lawsuit against the officers.

I heard an oddly diverse name when they finally identified the perpetrator -- voila, meet MAKSIM GELLMAN via the excellent site of a mythbusting Catholic spokesman:

He's about halfway down the page. Search "maksim", but only if you're truly ready to see all this put in context with a bang.

Are you shocked -- or offended? I'm sorry, but am merely trying to point out some over-arching patterns in things that almost nobody else will. Major stuff, urgently needs facing. Wasn't expecting it when I searched the killer's name. Thoughts and comments, please. Those that appreciate such blood-and-guts uncensored reality can google WORKING IN THE NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY.

.............We've been talking about W-2 and W-4 forms lately. How 'bout this guy!
666 on tax form makes man quit job to save soul

Was he being hopelessly naive, or hearing a message straight from God that millions of others refuse to hear? In other words, maybe nobody is supposed to either sign or accept any of those forms if this is supposed to be a free country.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sheriff Mack to the rescue... again
Liberty Coalition Forms to Support Sheriffs Fighting Gun Control

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Legal currents in the air; a centenary that will live in infamy

We may have started a new PN club tonight here in SC, and among many fascinating subjects covered in the car en route was the difference between lawful and legal. I believe what we're all pushing for is a return to what's lawful -- i.e. what's truly, innately right and lucky enough to be affirmed as such by courts over time. Commies go for what's "legal", that is, whatever's legislated just because they want it to be so, regardless of what citizens actually want or need. "Legalize abortion" -- that's what some commies say, because "lawfulize abortion" would be a ridiculous contradiction in terms, even if the banshees screaming that motto were capable of understanding the difference. (At our most recent musical Angicanoid Sunday dinner I again found occasion to shoot down the word "abortion" in this context in favor of the more rightly horrible-sounding term "feticide" -- the only one word actually covers what people are talking about.)

It may be that John the Baptist was with me on this lawful distinction. "It is not lawful for you to have her," he told the adulterous King Herod of the amoral Salome, although the monster had -- Henry VIII style -- probably passed a "law" legalizing his adultery.

Here's a classic case of commies using the knockoff concept to justify whatever Frankenstein politics they want to pull off:
Holder: It’s ’Legal’ to Drone Strike Americans

Words are important. The dichotomy at hand is crucially, vitally, centrally important. Just imagine a world, or an America, in which the public has learned the blessed concept of lawfulness and finally recognizes the mortal danger of confusing it with what mere legality brings. It might shock most people, but the high and mighty can legalize all the citizen murder they want, and it will never be lawful. Never! Their legalities and legalisms are lawless. The System itself knows this even as it's making everything up as it goes along.

Keeping your whole paycheck is lawful -- you have every right to do it, and you should. "Income taxes" may be legal but they're not lawful -- they're abominable to God's law and even to the U.S. Constitution, for those who insist on cleaviing to it. Politicians like Holder and Obummer who think they can do anything the h*** they want and slap a thin coat of "legality" on it when the natives get restless -- they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, let's just leave it at that.

Now for some legal news that's exciting and beautful -- a real breakthrough!
Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Exposing Connections Between DOJ and Controversial Southern Policy Law Center

It used to be just us supposed extremists crying in the wilderness about these laughably-misnamed communist hate groups the SPLC, Anti-Defamation League, Wiesenthal Center etc. Then maybe ten years ago this truth started to crawl into the mainstream with coverage by Harper's, Montgomery Advertiser, Chronicles. Most recently SPLC has ticked off even some squishy-soft "Christian" outfits like Family Research Council; for Judicial Watch to go after them may mean we're starting to go places in exposing the "liberal" hate industry.

Back to the real world.... an anniversary from hell has just passed that every ameriKan should note and -- mourn quite loudly: Sometime this year are the 100th birthdays of the Fed and IRS. I was told months ago it was Feb. 6, but others don't seem to agree:
The Unhappy, Big-Government Feeding 100th Birthday of America’s Income Tax

Think of it -- a century of misery, oppression and dispossession for what was supposed to be the "greatest country in the world." The fact that most people don't think of it that way doesn't mean it's not so. How much more prosperous would your family be without this bloodsucking having blighting the last four generations? How much healthier a society would we enjoy if people had just said no from the first to every form of balderdash the political mind can concoct, seeing to the very simple task of proper discernment in such things all the way down the line?

Smart people who do stupid things are harmed and monkeyfied thereby. A nation of supernally educated and accomplished scientists, educators, artists, creators, designers that puts up with the stupid nonsense of wage taxation cannot be called intelligent; its populace cannot be called mature or well-developed. You're not leading a normal life if you obsessively insist on living every day with a finger stuck in your ear -- that's about what this "income tax" thing amounts to.

Why the quote marks, you say? Because again, the operative term (income tax) is totally wrong for what's intended. What people call "income taxes" I've referred to by its proper name somewhere on this page. Find it, and you get a free, vintage copy of Gary Allen's pioneering None Dare Call It Conspiracy and, location permitting, a free music lesson from yours truly.

Personal opinions of blogger /\/.\/\/.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Recently arrived/nabbed/surfaced
Beaufort County (NC) Commission calls for nullification and constitutional convention

Yes to the one goal, no to the other, thank you..... I love this especially coming from NC, a state that vies with SC for the most easily bought and corrupted politicians.
Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ

Again with this revelation, the source its itself the news. It's fine for the New American magazine to preach this truth to its (?) thousands of readers, most of them already being converts to the real world, but for the first or second most prestigious university in the US to join with the NIH in sounding the alarm gives it wings and wheels untold. "The medium is the message" in this new sense -- quite often these days.

..........I mentioned at the PN meeting on Saturday that Pastor Ted Weiland is doing a magnificent job curing people of Constitutional idolatry, and that I agree with his thesis that we (including the US government) should all be turning directly to the Word of God for our laws and precedents rather than to any suspiciously Masonic and humanist manmade document. Sink your ideological teeth into this article, possibly the best in his present series thus far.... and spread the word!

American exceptionalism is one of the most gagging concepts at large today. It's simply the latest alibi jingoists in and out of politics have for bludgeoning countries too small to defend themselves from us, using people that Israel hates for target practice. When will we go the rest of the way and start sending them to the lions like the Romanoid emperors we truly are, if this is how it's going to be? I'm almost afraid to ask.

.........You didn't need to be told it was concentrated evil when the latest round of crucifying the Boy Scouts began, but you saw a commentary or two on it you thought useful. But did you see this? You folks send me a wealth of good material, but my article can probably beat up yours this time:
Boy Scouts – Bowing to the Gay-K-K: Big Rainbow Defiles Yet Another American Institution

.........One sometimes hears that by official policy, police are not actually there to protect you from crime and mayhem. How about this: the Extreme Court has ruled so over and over -- with cite!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

How many officials think you're a terrorist for embracing obvious truth?

The answer may surprise you. Here's a tally of just a few cases:
“Terrorism” and Lexical Warfare

We were talking about this Saturday at the PN meeting in Greer, SC. Bureaucrats are all convinced that normal healthy human beings are the biggest threat to every living thing today. Federal paper shufflers have squinted into their sociological microscopes and formed battle plans against us, the people, under titles COINTELPRO and Dismantlement. That's right, they must have misplaced their copy of the Constitution, because their response to vigoroous, rightful exercise of the First through Eighth Amendments is to set out to destroy it.

I love this part of the article in particular: "The extreme fringe believes that the U.S. government is either the enemy or has been subverted by the enemy and must be actively defended against.” See? You are a dangerous criminal if you believe in defending yourself and your family from clearly, berserkly out-of-control officials, from IRS and BATF goons down to local cops. Never mind those who wear badges or other official forms of ID -- Dr. Clarkson and this blogger have been smeared online by the laughably-misnamed Southern Poverty Law Center for such "crimes" as picketing the tyrannical Anderson Count Council. 

"Lexical warfare".... the word "terrorism" in quotation marks, above.... our article linked this evening is rare for its probing insights into the real nature of things versus the spin put on it by those who show their own massive corruption and destructiveness by accusing concerned citizens of it. The piece's writer, Wendy McElroy, understands that there is a massive, vitally important lexical fight to the death going on in our society. Yes, even punctuation can have rich significance and lend highly concise power to writing, speaking, advocacy. The enemy uses such tactics for evil; what are we waiting for?

DIALECTICS, that's the word. Look it up. Add it to your vocabulary. Dialecticize to others every day -- it doesn't require knowledge of any dialects! 


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Diversity vignette from hell: Rush Limblob in a Mexican restaurant

If you don't despise Rush yet, you may not be fully paying attention. His "gleeful arrogance" shtick has served for decades as cover for his extreme neocon agenda, not for a rip-roaring return to ultra-conservatism as millions think.

Rush is a mess personally. He's so gigantic it's a wonder he's still alive. He planted a tree in Israel in memory of his father, and you know what that means. How many wives has this great Family Values mascot been through?

In concert with the genuinely communist mass media, Rush has suppressed subjects and views they don't want you to hear and pounded other themes that are patently un-American -- NAFTA, GATT, every war Israel wants (as long as a REPUBLICAN president is throwing it), Bush-41, Bush=43, every demoniac the GOP puts up for Prez.... vot's to like about him anyway?

For most of his years on the air he simply didn't mention the immigration invasion. Why complicate things when you're a perfect judas-goat for the disaffected "conservative" masses? The GOP, the Bushes, and the commie mass media didn't want people thinking about that subject, so Rush thoughtfully left this giant life-or-death matter behind the door. Thus it's surprising to hear of  the following scene taking place -- warning, extreme filthy language implied:
Rush Limbaugh Denied Service at Mexican Restaurant

Does this clear anything up about the respectable right's two-ton deity? Even I am shocked to hear he behaved this way. Even if he were 100% right (wish he was -- just his usual bloated jingoism) you can't tell me there isn't a better way to handle it.

What was he doing in  Pablo's Taquería to begin with? Doesn't sound like it was run by the disease-ridden, crime-prone, work-proof, welfare-seeking Latin type we all rightly fear. (Some clichés are true -- ever notice?)

I want border and demographic sanity for ameriKa same as the next man. But since I graduated from Rush a year or less into his heyday, I do see that things aren't black and white all the time.

Among other complications, most people in the Latin American country I want to move to really doesn't want ameriKans coming around. Our country has simply been raping their part of the world for too long.

........Speaking of Izrul, did you know that most of the "facts" people take for granted about it are silly myths and strategic propaganda whoppers?
Tel Aviv Historian Uncovers "Land of Israel" Myths 


Friday, February 1, 2013

McCarthy has risen from the grave and switched sides

.........which is studded with facts and documenting links. I don't understand the fourth paragraph from the top, about "wingnuts", but the rest of it is superb -- because it ignores so many of the usual boundaries of discussion:
Hagel Hearing: The War Party’s Waterloo

I didn't of course see the hearing myself -- I watch no TV unless visiting friends or in a Subway shop, where it usually can't be heard anyway.

The Hagel hearings were clearly a disgusting affair, putrid with distinctly Republican corruption. Most notable and gloatable from our perspective is a sudden surprise that columnist Raimondo (above) handles as only he can: the "reverse" McCarthyism of one of former Sen. Chuck Hagel's inquisitors, Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas.

Younger folks may have no idea what we're talking about. In the mid-1950s, you see, Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin took it upon himself to very dramatically purge communists from American society. He presided over televised fedgov hearings on it in Washington and shook up a lot of people, most or (more likely) all of whom were in fact guilty of supporting or furthering communism, an ideology that was in the process of killing nine figures worth of humanity and still reigns in hellholes like China and Cuba.

Leftists, or "liberals" if you insist, hate truth and decency and love the genocidal tyranny of communism. They screamed foul during the McCarthy era and have been howling about it ever since. McCarthyism is their word for any kind of modern inquisition against innocent, admirable people.... never mind that McCarthy was right and his targets were subversives, degenerates, psychopaths of one kind or another.

Even my schoolteachers as I grew up in Zew Jersey mocked McCarthy as a supposed pompous fraud. They aped leftist media darlings of the time whose favorite line was "McCarthy used to hold up a stack of papers and declare 'I hold here in my hand the names of secret communists' -- but he would never show them. There were none -- it was pure grandstanding."

Read at least half of the above-linked article and you'll see in your mind's eye this exact scene revived -- but please remember that while McCarthy was a truth warrior and right about it all, Cruz is a 100% true blue gold-plated phony.

Is Cruz consciously imitating McCarthy, a 1950s icon of everything he (Cruz) hates today? No, I suspect he is merely ignorant, like most people under about 50 years of age, of the McCarthy era and merely trying to pull a cheap trick. Or maybe he knows all the above and is doing it as an in joke or means of rubbing our noses in something. Either way, he stinks.

...........I found a copy of the 1955 musical movie Oklahoma and am viewing it over meals. Near the end there's a delightful trial scene that's subtly about states' rights. Yum!

...........My ISP force-feeds entertainment decadence into ameriKan homes via cable and even its homepage news, but it too did something strangely wonderful today: via the latter it posted a serialized article that provided not only fascinating and farcical pop cultural history in every section, but a bit of great financial advice for beginners:
7 financial mistakes made by The Beatles

...........Our beloved Dr. Clarkson was a national expert in Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act, which he called the two greatest things government ever passed. How about this UK show of people power:

The governing Council of Brentwood, England, professes a "reputation as one of the most transparent" in the country, but in November, responding to a Freedom of Information request for documents on a government contract, it merely released 425 totally-blackened ("redacted") pages. The official explanation was that all of the papers concerning construction of a movie theater were deemed "commercially sensitive" and "not in the public interest." (Following an outcry, the Council re-thought the FOI request and disclosed "considerably more information," according to the Daily Telegraph.) [Daily Telegraph, 11-29-2012]

I'm none too impressed with the mostly Zionist hosts of the "new" 94.5 FM talk radio station in Greenville, but one - Mark Levin -- impressed me tonight by reporting at length on some great, dogged-sounding FOIA work they're doing on HSUS (or some other appropriate federal body) for stamping Obamacare as sound and telling Washington to go ahead with it.

You probably heard this:


"Tennessee Introduces Serious Secessionist Gun Law"

And according to Manny at,

"The bill reads like this:

“The general assembly declares that any federal action prohibited by this chapter relating to firearms, firearms accessories or ammunition, whether made in Tennessee or not, is not authorized by the United States constitution and violates the restrictions contained therein and is hereby declared to be invalid in this state; that said federal action shall not be recognized by this state; and that said federal action is rejected by this state and shall be null and void and of no effect in this state.”
It goes further to block following:
(1) Infringe on, ban, regulate, or restrict state government, local government or civilian ownership, transfer, possession or manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition in this state;
(2) Require any state government, local government or civilian owned firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition in this state to be registered or tracked in any manner; or
(3) Impose federal taxes, fees or any other charges on any state government, local government or civilian owned firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition that are payable to any government entity.
Should any Tennesseans be prosecuted by the federal government for alleged firearms-related crimes, SB 0250/HB 0248 provides for this scenario as well.  The attorney general is authorized to provide defense for the accused and work to invalidate or nullify such federal actions.
The fed will use their courts to declare laws like this null and void stating they cannot usurp the power of the fed. The fed would be dead wrong but so what. The only way to get there is to secede from the Union. The other problem is the states must ignore any efforts the fed undertakes to fight the laws in court. This is just a time delaying tactic with zero chance of a state victory.
Source is:
Tennessee Introducing Major Gun Protection - NO Restrictions on Guns, Any Federal Law NULL AND VOID in Tennessee! 
