Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pollmonger admits massive fudging


A pollster under oath

Polls are supposedly there to gauge, not influence, public opinion. Supposedly. It might have been during Slick Willy's reign that they became absolutely ubiquitous, even idolatrous in the extent that they were taken, published, and shouted from the housetops.

The more they proliferated, the less meaning and reality they obviously had. Nowadays you can't get away from them. Every slightest twitch of a Pezidential candidate's eyebrow, a poll is taken of public sentiment on it. It's ridiculous -- outrageous! An insult to your intelligence, clearly engineered to reach those that don't have any.

Who cares, really, what people think -- especially when pollsters are in it for the same reason as supposed journalists: to push the world to the left. Sorry, kids, but that goes for lots of RAPupblican operatives as well as DemocRAT ones. We had a great PN meeting in Charlotte tonight and I got rapped for rapping those RAPs, but the truth must be told -- somewhere!

Here's one poll I can easily live with:

Poll: Plurality say polls biased for Obama


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