Friday, October 19, 2012

A crucial subject only the few, the brave want to hear

Criticism of Israel and Zionism isn't always popular -- but you know, this country was founded to ensure safety and dignity for the airing of unpopular ideas.

Israel and Zionism are fine if you're into that kind of thing. But I and lots of people aren't happy seeing our country being cannibalized for the supposed benefit of Israel or anybody else. I say supposed benefit, because socialism never brings any. Socialism is a drug; giveaway "programs" bring only a drug high, not actual progress.

Hey, this is an income tax blog, and below is a prime story about what the fedgov is doing with the money it gouges from people's pay at gunpoint.
US Taxpayers Spend More on Israeli Defense Than Israeli Taxpayers, Says Former IDF Official

OK you who think Waller is such an "anti-Semite", please comment on the following crazy junk!
NYPD Opens Branch in Israel
For Barack Obama, all roads to the White House lead through Florida – and Israel 
President battles to dispel Republican accusations as he woos the key Jewish vote

I'm an American patriot. I can't be a Zionist.


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