Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Those Worldview Weekend people aren't so bad: please read to the end!

I think this piece

Romney Down by Nine as Conservatives Gripe 

Fehrnstrom, Saul, Kagan, Kristol? An odd trend some decades old, one that for some reason nobody comments on. Do you think Albanians are taking over?

Thinning out emails today I came on a whole raft of past messages from Worldview Weekend. Had unsubscribed but may re back up -- their material is mostly far more intelligent than most rightward entities'. Check this page too:

Catholic Mysticism Infused into Society

Nothing against Catholics, but if their religion is being prostituted by subversives, I think they need to know it as much as anybody. The same applies to Presbyterians, Lutherans, Church of God or anybody else that finds themselves in that position..... Now this article is brilliant, piercing, crucial, and major major major:

The Fabian Window, Rick Warren, Tony Blair, and The Religious Trojan Horse

I'm going to risk sounding hyperbolic and state that it's one of the  finest, most vitally important commentaries that's crossed my desk in the new millennium so far.

Personal opinions of the blogger.... Let me know what you think! /\/.\/\/.

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