Monday, August 20, 2012

More bright hope from the Ron Paul team

This daring message from I remember that phase of things on the Art Bell show. PRAYER WORKS if enough people will get behind it!

I'm proud as can be of my car's latest bumper sticker. On one end, a photo of Obama marked "Wall St." On the other, a pic of Ron Paul marked "Main St." That's all!


A Lesson  in Mass Consciousness and a Call to Action - How we will DOMINATE at the  convention.. 
Submitted by teknetzon Wed, 08/15/2012- 23:52 in 

   • Daily Paul Liberty Forum
   • DP Original

Greetings Fellow Freedom Lovers.... 
I would like to take this time to give everyone a  brief history of mass consciousness, and show how we can use it to win the  nomination for Dr. Paul. 
What your about to read may seem unreal, hokey, or  just down-right impossible, and will probably test your constructs of reality a  bit.. 
Many of you may already be somewhat familiar with  the concept of mass consciousness but for those who are not, let me  explain.. 
There have been several studies done showing that  when a group of people FOCUS on a specific goal, with intent and emotion, that  goal manifests itself into reality. 
In 1995 a group of monks were brought to Washington  D.C. and asked to focus on lowering the crime-rate.. They meditated on it 8  hours a day for a week. Over the next six months, the crime rate had dropped by  over 60%. 
Art Bell, a talk show host for Coast to Coast AM  also did some experiments a few years ago.. At the time, Florida was having one  of its worst droughts in decades, and wild-fires had been burning for several  weeks here in the everglades.. One evening on his radio show, he asked his  listeners to pray/focus/visualize rain in the region, and stopped talking on the air for about 2 minutes to allow people to do this. The result was, that not  only did it finally rain, it caused flooding in many parts of the state over the  next week and a half. There is documented proof of this (and many other cases) as well as audio you can look up on the net if you so choose. 
The elite have known about and been using this power  of the human mind against us for centuries, and have used it to mold the world  into their liking, driven only by their greed. They have tried keeping us  ignorant of this power because its the only thing that can bring them down. 
It is time WE take back control of this awesome  power and use it to WIN. 
Its not hard, its not difficult, you might feel a  little silly, but that's OK because its all happening in your head and no one  has to know.. :) All I ask is that you try. 
Remember, Right now our goal is to WIN the  nomination. A definitive, measurable, and immediate result. 
The ONLY way this will work, is if the thoughts we  are projecting are identical to the thoughts everyone else in the group is  projecting.. So to help, I have made a visual queue:
After viewing the photo, FOCUS and REPEAT the words  RON PAUL WINS NOMINATION over and over in your mind, as many times a day as you  can until the convention. When your visualizing this, put the same amount of  emotion and feeling into it as if it has already happened and you are  experiencing the thrill of a Ron Paul victory. Keep this image firmly in your  mind, and at the forefront of your daily thoughts. 
Go ahead and look at the picture again as many times  as you want if you need to between now and Tampa. Reinforcement of the visual  construct will help from time to time. 
If you can spread the word about this and get  everyone you know to participate,there is no possibility of failure; only  imminent victory. 
Every Ron Paul supporter owes it to Dr. Paul to at  least TRY this from now until the convention, as it cannot hurt anything and it  doesn't cost you any money. 
I can not begin to describe in words how powerful  this is, as having experienced it first hand on several occasions, I am a true  believer in the unlimited power and potential of the human mind. 
And after you take this little trip with me, you  will be too. 
Thank you so much for reading this all the way  through, and if anyone has any questions about how to do this, or the concepts,  and science behind it, please feel free to ask..... 

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