Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Michael "Martin Luther" King a great litmus test of public intelligence


"Just died".... well, that's what they think if prompted to by a fake pollster's question. What do you think, should should celebrate that this much-worshiped pervert and demagogue is fading into historical un-memory.... or mourn that people are so stupid they're not even aware of the most basic aspects of how their country is being run? (E.g. with the deification of MLK.)

The public first passed the stupid test (testifying that they are, in fact, hopelessly stupid) when they fell for the "civil rights" snare starting in the Lincoln era, but it's all been greatly exacerbated from the age of FDR and Eleanor onward. They sheeple flaunted their rank ignorance by allowing the supposed conservative Pezident Reagan to agree to a national holiday for the fake preacher. Every year that a new King Day passes with no resistance, ameriKans of all colors show that there's simply nothing where their collective IQ should be.

Polls like the above aggravate the hell out of the con artists running the country. That's good news. Thus they'll redouble their efforts, programs and massive expenditures of taxpayer moneys to kick the "education" machine back into motion. That's extremely bad.... hideously awful.... simply deplorable.

King was no hero. ameriKa needs to accept this fact and get on with its alleged life.


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