Saturday, June 7, 2014

" More American hypocrisy on Bergdahl"

.... and a whole lot more:

The word is JINGOISM. Jingoism, a frenzy of clichés and junior-schoolish "horray for our side" team spirit, is what drives popular support for every evil a government wants to commit. Sure, it's just another adjective that can be applied to what goes on in a sort of wry fashion. But it's also the exact stuff that's fueling politics. Since politics is virtually solid evil, people need to contemplate jingoism and each should ask himself whether he's guilty of indulging it.

Oh, I believe in the rule of law, military or otherwise. But only if the law is lawful. If it's not, including our throwing of one illegal war after another, should the politicians be surprised when troops rebel or leave?

If you think I'm extreme, let's try this one more time . . . . tell me why whoever stumps the hardest for war shouldn't be the first ordered to report for a physical. Hey, I just learned that a a law requiring exactly that was drafted like a century or something ago. Who could argue with it? But isn't this the most basic level of common sense that is totally left in the dust today?


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