Saturday, May 10, 2014

Somebody's brilliant anthology of 9/11 lies

.........and the same person's stupid idiot idea to follow the hottest fads of the time by adding an insufferable music track that not only gives you a headache but drowns out half of what they're saying.
How to create an Angry American - A compilation of the lies which led to the war in Iraq

Feast your eyes and ears on how blatantly mendacious the gods of the universe (beltway politicians) are, how they lie about lying, then lie about having lied about their lying! After savoring all that, please then email the activist who created this video, Tell him what you think of his trend-chasing -- give him some basic documentation on the effects of noise pollution in our lives.

We will never be free until all the top liars are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law -- well known fact. Lesser-known fact, possibly twice as major: we'll never be politically free as long as baby boomers and their descendants are hooked on devil music.


If you feel you're getting the impression that I consider the medium every bit as crucial as the message, you're right. The medium is the message...... are the messengers themselves hearing it?


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