Friday, April 18, 2014

Great satire -- more devastating than a year's worth of establishment "news"
FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States - The Onion,35788/

What a shame that politicians take themselves so seriously -- otherwise they'd be able to see the great sense and logic of the above, bring the military home and declare peace.

Self-importance is a grave error. My fourth-grade teacher wrote on my report card that young Nelson "takes himself too seriously". You must understand that my folks took me to Williamsburg and Jamestown and my Virginian grandparents filled my head with all kinds of excitement about what it represented, not least since the Revolution was basically a family project of our'n. To me, school in New Jersey was unbearably banal.

The politicians, however, have no such excuse. They think they're God and their fondest wish is to steal his throne. And I'm convinced that it's because of just such brain waves that tyranny gallops on year after year -- the "elite' are incapable of getting themselves into perspective as little mortal beings that put on one sock at a time, not royalty and not a priesthood.

Speaking of which, you absolutely must hear Larkin Rose's interview on the Tom Woods show. It covers this ground outstandlingly! Rose is so dynamic, so passionate, so down to earth, so real, that I think you won't mind his ostensible radicalism!

This just in --
Scalia to Student: If Taxes Get Too High ‘Perhaps You Should Revolt’

If taxes get too high.....?!?!??!?!!!!?!?


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