Friday, February 28, 2014

Military full of gangs

....appropriately enough reflecting the multicultural stateside crime plague.
The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every Branch Of The Military

I just love us. We amaze me! Every day, there's new proof that ameriKa is morally qualified to force "democracy" on Afghanistan, purge Iraq of terr'ists, rig regime change in Ukraine, repeatedly body-slam Swiss and Panamanian banks, mow down ancient cultures and communities, and shred our own Constitution anew every hour on the hour.

WE ARE WONDERFUL. We are exemplary. We are the exceptional nation. Our relationship with Israel is "SPECIAL"! If we bring Latin American and Somali Bantu gangs wherever we go, people just have to understand that some cultures are different than others -- it doesn't mean that one's better than another. Life is cheap among ethnic crime cults, but the same goes for wherever Our Boys appear to fight for our National Interests, right? Nobody'll notice -- it'll blend right in.

Oh -- wait -- we're just supposed to consider the above headline a footnote to domestic problems. Scratch this whole colyum from the record.


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