Monday, December 30, 2013

Charleston Voice serves up wild money news from Colorado

Charleston Voice is one of the tippy-top news sites for our purposes, yet one of the least known. It is edited by an acquaintance of the Great One's. Get to know it -- add it to your list of daily or weekly "must" sites. Enjoy its unusual visual/graphic flair. Don't miss the link currently showing entitled Marxist Origin of the Republican Party. Dig the South-friendly heading showing on every page!
Colorado County Commissioner Refuses Legal Tender Coinage for Tax Assessments!

There are many good and honorable public servants, but so often city and county officials are corrupt across the land. Lots are crooks; they certainly don't mind making people wait and grossly inconveniencing them, even totally disrupting their lives, on a Kafkaesque basis. Here they've started a new bureaucracy that's raising citizens' ire, but don't brook the slightest inconvenience themselves. Is Boulder County run by statist pigs bent on pushing us toward a cashless society?

Are the pot-metal tokens passing for coins today as hateful to bureaucrats as real money, i.e. silver and gold? Is everything in our lives to be changed for something more airy, theoretical, digital?


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