Saturday, September 14, 2013

IRS and the black churches!!!!!!!!
Eric Holder, IRS officials coached tax-exempt black ministers on how to engage in political activity

This is the real meaning of diversity and "fairness"! How nice to have a "First Black President" and "First Black AG", but what to do when they both turn out to be communist revolutionaries and racial demagogues? Cases like the above two jerks are inevitable and part of a great overarching pattern, because the people really running things have programmed it that way like a computer circuit.

No offense to anybody, but the above Daily Caller headline is one of literally millions of negative developments that simply don't occur in monoracial societies and that drag down life for all races in this one. I don't call for America to be monoracial, merely for liberally-defined "diversity" to be cast off the throne as our god, prophet, oracle and priest. Liberalism (properly known as leftism) must die if anyone is to survive.


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