Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Some interesting solutions

I post this partly to encourage people to keep up with Collapse Report:

Any comments on the Renminbi concept? One factor not mentioned is union power abuse -- the main thing, some say, that drove offshoring of industry, at least with car makers. Union bosses' greed, cynicism and contempt for inflated wages until domestic labor was priced out of existence. That's how much they care about workers; by an odd coincidence they've historically been in bed with the Dummacrat establishment with its Marxist cant about the working class!

Union power abuse is an issue not much mentioned in patriotic circles anymore. An old, effective, storied activist force against it:

The large number of right to work states in its map stuns me. Had no idea this freedom was so widespread, thankfully including all of Dixie except Maryland and Delaware. Wonder if this includes teaching in the public fool system without being forced to join the NEA.

In a way it's the red state /blue state map all over again. Here are the definitive cases, with the Northeast, the left coast, CO and NM consistently in the doghouse -- even more than Florida:

These comments happened to be posted the next day in, one of the 2nd-tier sites I  recommend keeping up with, under another fine Steve Sailer article titled The Real Threat to British Elites:

the thing is, that these gold plated pensions have killed the states and municipalities that have made those promises.
basically, the politicians and the unions screwed over the taxpayer. the guy who has to pay, had No Say. 
nice work if you can get it.
think about this: are you willing to pay ever increasing amounts of taxes so that so called "public servants" can retire at 20 years service at 80% or better of their salary with full medical benefits. 
meanwhile your health insurance costs just rose 140%++.
look at what these unions and their democratic representatives have done to California or Illinois for example. there is no way those benefits can ever be paid without condemning the taxpayers of those states to a life of servitude. that is a major reason I left California when I retired. eff 'em all.
this is an untenable situation, and like all things which cannot be sustained, it will not be.
"Working" the system when it comes to unions and government is criminal in itself. It can't be sustained no matter how high taxes are raised.
I live in the very blue state of Michigan where socialism has been the rule, and where union people, government and auto, are constantly threatening walkouts and violence if so much as a hint of sacrifice is suggested. How a Republican governor was elected is beyond me, and he is having a ton of trouble trying to get the state books balanced after the former Democrat Governor Grandholm left office. The state debt was over the top wild during her chaotic reign. You may remember her. She was the lady who went hysterical and freaky during the last Democratic convention with a speech right out an insane asylum.
There will have to be a radical change in incomes and the "disability" fiasco that public employees milk to no end. It will all come crashing down one day soon.

Fantastically simple, practical, real-world solution to another Matterhorn-sized "problem":
South Portland doctor stops accepting insurance, posts prices online

This is the medical equivalent to people's use of real money, e.g. Dr. Clarkson's funneling of six figures of bullion coins to customers each month for 10 or 20 years. It cuts out not only umpteen middle men but the entire elitist establishment. Dr. Ciampi expects to do better financially despite the loss of hundreds of patents -- may God grant him more business and moolah than he's ever dreamed!

Now, if he can do it, what's stopping the rest? Unquestionably other doctors around the country are also getting off the bureaucratic treadmill -- let me know of any your hear of please.


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