Wednesday, December 7, 2011

GOP candidates blasted by (or at least in) Der Spiegel; even Israel feels starts to feel queasy over them

Out of all the millions of public figures and media outlets who absolutely should decry the emperor's new clothes, i.e. the insufferable banality and criminality of most of what goes on in "mainstream" public affairs, finally somebody takes a sledge hammer to a subject long overdue: the horribly vulgar spectacle of the race for the Republican nomination for Pezident!,1518,800850,00.html

The Republicans' Farcical Candidates

A Club of Liars, Demagogues and Ignoramuses

A Commentary by Marc Pitzke

I have no idea who the writer is, or whether this is classed as an official feature or got posted as a subscriber's musings. But it is simply amazing that it happens anywhere near Der Spiegel, one of the top-circulation German news magazines going back ages and ages.

As you may gather from blatant hints in the text, Der Spiegel is politically correct to the hilt. In great contrast to most of its material, Such plain speaking is like Schweppes tonic water -- curiously refreshing!

...........In same day's gleanings, a yet more exciting page dated 11/28 from Haaretz, the Israeli(e) paper that exists to scream Zionist supremacism at the world:

Republicans and Israel: Too much love can kill you

Its curiously named scribbler, Chemi Shalev, says there was a "flurry of anti-Israeli tweets following last week’s CNN debate" of the RepubliCONs. For him to mention it, it must have been more like a firestorm.

Comrade Shalev is in a tough spot. His country is a massive, world-girdling network of crime gangs, and the world is finally beginning to wake up to the fact. ameriKa has served as Israel's junkyard dog for one-fourth of the time since the Declaration of Independence. ameriKans are getting sick of it, partly by having given so much but only gained wave after wave of dead or ruined youth.

ameriKan conservatives see their country going down to a cold, watery grave like the Titanic, but their illustrious Republican candidates' top priority is always to pamper, glorify, protect, enrich and "bless" another country full of people who happen to hate everything we hold sacred.

The article contains a beautiful summary of the monstrous things Newt, Herman, Rick et al said in the debate along these lines. Please read it! Some folks don't want to hear a negative word about Israel, ever, but thanks to Washington's serial proxy wars in its behalf, Israel happens to be the biggest little subject in world politics today.

We are not actually in the Afghanistan War or the Iraq War. It's truly, literally World War III. It was such while the "Coalition of the Killing" was still going, but it still is since those countries have bailed out because ameriKa is going through the countries that worry Israel and bombing the daylights out of them.

Almost as if to "amen" me on this, Bill Bennett's "Morning in America" radio show was about guess what today?* "WHY PEOPLE SHOULD VISIT ISRAEL". In other words it was a free promo for tourism to the bandit ministate!

Mind you, Bennett is rated one of the great thinkers and icons
by Christian soccer moms. Oh, doncha know, he was DRUG CZAR under that epitome of right-wing fanaticism, George H.W. Bush! How many times has he been a guest on Docky James Dobson's radio show?

Even if you love Israel and believe the BABDIST interpretation of Genesis 12:3, you must admit that on a program supposedly dedicated to the conservative Christian worldview and agenda there are thousands more urgent topics than tours to the ex-Holy Land! Hey, there are Muslim gangs right here in Anderson, South Carolina -- there's a hot moral, political, theological issue for you that affects
most ameriKans right where they live. I don't remember Bennett ever coming here to do a remote on the problem, or even having a guest on the show to call for the outlawing of gangs. (Nobody but me seems to call for that.)

I prefer to call Bill "Shill", and he certainly earned the title today with flying colors. When's he going to air a tally of the Israelis, yes, Israelis, peopling the US government?

Oh -- Shill's guest today was another neocon pundit much beloved by little fundies who subscribe to World magazine, Dennis Prager. He called himself a son of Abraham and a son of George Washington. Cute!

...........I cadged the Haaretz item via IHR.ORG, homepage of
the incomparable Institute for Historical Review. The next item under it was no less pithy:

Gingrich's Version of American Exceptionalism Could Insult Our Allies
Jill Lawrence -- The Atlantic

... Conservatives nevertheless are on a tear to save American exceptionalism, or at least their view of it, from the likes of Obama. And Gingrich has been in the forefront. In June he published a book called "A Nation Like No Other: Why American Exceptionalism Matters." He and his wife, Callista, produced and co-star in a 2011 documentary called "A City Upon a Hill: The Spirit of American Exceptionalism." A trailer for the film describes exceptionalism as the idea that America is "more open, more vigorous, more optimistic than other nations." ... Gingrich's assertion that America is No. 1 in caring about those we send to war was just one of countless eyebrow-raising statements he's made in his decades-long political career.

What gives me the sinking feeling that the GrinGrinch's books are nothing but calls for ameriKa to be allowed by whatever rules it wants at a given instant?

Pardon my sarcasm.

/\/.\/\/. (864) 356-9966

*Thursday morning

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