Sunday, May 1, 2011

A very special Ron Paul special

You've seen droves of them -- exciting news items, videos etc. on the Ron Paul phenomenon that strike you as keepers or "must forwards". But what's extra-special is when actual liberals start pointing out the hypocrisy of their own crowd's position re Dr. Paul, war and related subjects.
That's what's happened with the following article. Counterpunch, you see, is a center of "progressive" thought, partly homosexual-driven, but one which increasingly overlaps with the real world. I've searched long and hard for some kind of "mainstream" or even write-wing comment on Dr. Paul that really, really says the unsayable about the basic moral issues involved, but frankly I can't recall the last time I saw it put with such guileless (if X-rated) bluntness and perspicacity.
In fact, I predict you'll enjoy this as much for being a self-caricature of liberaldom as an earnest piece of writing.

Lefty Writes: Ron Paul More 'Progressive' Than Obama

Ron Paul is far from perfect, but I'll say this much for the Texas congressman: He has never authorized a drone strike in Pakistan. He has never authorized the killing of dozens of women and children in Yemen. He hasn't protected torturers from prosecution and he hasn't overseen the torturous treatment of a 23-year-old young man for the "crime" of revealing the government's criminal behavior. Can the same be said for Barack Obama? Yet, ask a good movement liberal or progressive about the two and you'll quickly be informed that yeah, Ron Paul's good on the war stuff -- yawn -- but otherwise he's a no-good right-wing reactionary of the worst order, a guy who'd kick your Aunt Beth off Medicare and force her to turn tricks for blood-pressure meds. By contrast, Obama, war crimes and all, provokes no such visceral distaste. He's more cosmopolitan, after all; less Texas-y. He's a Democrat. And gosh, even if he's made a few mistakes, he means well. Sure he's a murderer, in other words, but at least he's not a Republican!

..............Apropos of that, Veterans for Peace would like to remind you of what supposed peacenik presidential candidate Obumr said about the perpetual war doctrine while still on the campaign trail:

VFP Issues Statement About Libya

.................Fond as I am about how the royal wedding turned out in many ways, this guy logically blows it away:

The Love Police Anarchist Division vs Royal Wedding

...................Y'all who have to have every new gadget are mightily perturbed to learn -- gasp! -- that some of these yuppie toys are tracking your every move and thought! The iPhone crisis revisited:

What can I do to remove this data?


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