Monday, May 9, 2011

To continue the bin Ladin infomercial/soap opera/ screwball comedy.

This item via the incomparable daily headline feed. People shouldn't need to be reminded of the basic figures it conjures -- they should have come instantly to mind for ameriKa's entire population as soon as Bush-41 started raping Iraq something like 20 years ago. The sheeple certainly should have sat bolt upright when the later Busheviks started bragging that the "war on terror" was going to last 100 years!

For the truth, my friends, is this: Any government that makes a statement like that to its people is actually saying "We've lost. the terr'sts have won. They're going to be leading us around by the nose for the rest of time, gutting our treasury, laying waste to our youth, and in general making total asses of us. We have FAILED to do the very basic job we're hired to do of killing off national trouble within minutes of any outbreak. All regimes before us could do it, but we can't. We are incompetent -- nine Ayrabs with box cutters bested us on 9/11, and now some camel-powered terr'ist outfit over there has got us by the throat for the rest of time in the countries guilty of existing near Israel while gentile. You in the corner, hand over that copy of Orwell's 1984 this instant!"

The Cost of Bin Laden: $3 Trillion Over 15 Years

What do we have to show for that tab? Two wars that continue to occupy 150,000 troops and tie up a quarter of our defense budget; a bloated homeland-security apparatus that has at times pushed the bounds of civil liberty; soaring oil prices partially attributable to the global war on bin Laden’s terrorist network; and a chunk of our mounting national debt, which threatens to hobble the economy unless lawmakers compromise on an unprecedented deficit-reduction deal.

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