Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SC may become slightly less Orwellian

Red-light cameras are a mixed blessing at best. Towns thought they we going to be a cash cow, but some have found people drive more carefully because of them and revenues drop. In truth, virtually all traffic and parking tickets are invalid from the word go because they are not verified complaints sworn before a judge. They can successfully be fought -- one of the main subjects of the free conference calls routinely publicized in PN e-groups.

No idea of the politics behind this proposal.


SC legislators could bar mailed speeding tickets
The Associated Press
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COLUMBIA, S.C. — Legislators are set to discuss a bill meant to stop a South Carolina town from using a camera and radar system to send traffic tickets through the mail.
The House Judiciary Committee is set Tuesday to debate the bill, which specifies that officers must stop a driver along the roadside and issue a ticket in person.
The bill is aimed at the Jasper County town of Ridgeland, which uses the system to catch speeders on a stretch of Interstate 95 inside the town limits. Lawmakers accuse the town of flouting state law that bars tickets based only on photographic evidence. Town officials counter that an officer monitors the system.

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