Saturday, April 30, 2011

A daring site featured; Trump the new Ross Perot?

How about a tour of today's news links at Don't be shocked but the site mainly exists to chronicle the war against people and nations of European origin. They/we are under serious attack although most people of the above description would laugh such a notion off – but most people are famously not living in the real world.

The original “face on Mars” was spotted by the Viking spacecraft in 1976. Romanticists (like me) and realists have been arguing ever since over its degree of reality.

Now a second face has come to the attention of Mars-gazers – a profile:

Would I be the first to note its at least superficial similarity to this no less mysterious but very real formation?

I could have sworn it was called the Mountain Guardian? I love that kind of stuff partly for its socio-political impact. It reminds us beautifully that with all our halls of power and techno-wizardry, we could merely be among the brighter species of germ out there compared to other beings beyond our ken.

.........Here's a great story for showing the different cultures of the wide, wonderful world we live in. As you read, please envision how rich and exciting your, yes your, life could be if you hadn't been born in boring old white-bread America (warning, graphic description of sickening acts):

...........In the other blog you hear me mention quite often are threads on nice and intelligent things found in nature's realm. I confess I just love many such stories – and there's no time like the present for sharing one, what with the dirty political goings-on we have to put up with day after day:

.........A major phenomenon of our time is how the politicians refuse to study much less learn from history, even recent history. Here they come again, dragging the poor Amish into the Supreme Soviet kangaroo court:

Will somebody in greater DC please drop by the so-called justice department and remind it that these gentle folk have nerves of steel, and every time the Beast has attempted to forcibly annex them into decadent “mainstream” society with its invidious “drivers licenses”, “income taxes” et al, it's only proven a huge embarrassment to the fedgov?

.......Can't lay my hands on it just now, but FP reported today that the producers of Atlas Shrugged are in fact not giving up the fight for their (and her) version of free-market principles yet – they're hoping again that conditions will favor production of two sequels!

........Did we share the last John Stossel interview with Ron Paul? I think it was before this blog's time. What I noted elsewhere was that Stossel, a rare real-worlder among top media mavens, seemed to playing devil's advocate a little too convincingly at that time. Not this time, however! Enjoy and please redeploy:

.........A member of my church sent a Youtube video of Donald Trump addressing a crowd profanely with the insufferable Bill “Shill” O'Reilly commenting. This same night I received Brasscheck's video of the day – the same thing but thankfully without “Shill” anywhere near it. Ever the crusader for good people to be in touch with good materials, I wrote back:

Enjoyed that --thanks!

You might enjoy subscribing to the daily email link from these people.

I fail to see why they hype this particular one so, but normally their stuff is very intense and terrifically varied.

The behavior of the crowd in this footage does show, I fear, that the stupidiots across the fruited plain are indeed ready to swallow the next Ross P. Rott figure hook, line and sinker. Hey, what do you want to bet that's why he's doing this -- to throw the GOP race at the last minute so the Dummacrats can keep the white house?

Just now hearing the last minute of the video -- my, the audience LOOOOVES that F-word best of all!


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