Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Trouble in paradise: crooked politicians abuse neo-populist "mainstream" media

For once the unbearable, hideous, unlistenable Laura Ingraham does something right: interviews a member of the commie "mainstream media" on how she was lambasted by commie White House officials for exposing the commie "Fast and Furious" scandal!

CBS News Reporter Says White House Screamed, Swore at Her Over Fast and Furious

Laura is a professional neocon on steroids. The reporter is presumably as totalitarian as the feds she is exposing. How would you explain them doing things that would normally represent a truly patriotic, Constitutional worldview while remaining the commie deformities they are?

Could at be that the blogosphere and sheer uncut reality have robbed them of a measure of their vanity and insanity? You know, like Sean Hannity.

...........Another celebrated media mouth has got Out Among The People (Warning: vulgarity):

MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan on The Federal Reserve, Media Censorship, Bilderberg at OccupyWallstreet

Sure, let's all get ourselves together and write another Constitutional amendment to fix the problem! Sure -- that'll do it, uh huh.... Power to the people, right on, All you need is love, luv. With four-letter words for emphasis.

The video that the above runs on to shows Roseanne Barr in the midst of a WeAreChange demo. Extremely rarely have Hellywood celebrities crossed into the real world; the rest have done everything they could in their art and their politics to putrify what they view as the establishment -- roughyl (!) the same one as us, but they have such blind spots and this idea in their head that it's a conservative colossus, not a Fabian Socialist communist golem.

Trust Blacklisted News to bring the above oxymoronic footage out.... but more importantly, to post the crucial, ultimate lowdown on the holes in the liberaloid Occupy movement! HERE'S THE BOTTOM LINE:

11 Reasons Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Hypocrites If They Do Not Call For Barack Obama To Resign

Occupy Wall Street Protests Full Of Useful Idiot Communists And Socialists


It is becoming increasingly clear that the people who are taking part in the much publicized Occupy Wall Street protests are mostly a bunch of useful idiots promoting communist and socialist ideologies. Even multi-millionaire propagandist Michael Moore and a myriad of rich Hollywood celebrities have come out supporting the cause of these protests indicating that the establishment has an interest in steering the direction and outcome of what is taking place. This is one of the most obvious cases of controlled opposition that we have ever seen where the protesters are actually endorsing the collectivist ideologies that benefit the wealthy elite. Communist and socialist ideolgies when put into practice have historically done nothing but centralize power and wealth in the hands of a few people as seen in the cases of the Soviet Union and China in the 20th century........

Note, that both articles are Blacklisted News originals. This site is so right-on, so generally free of "Dr. Strangelove" spasms of PC, one wonders if it's run by Southerners or something.

Southerners are the traditional keepers of the flame, you know. Yankees just don't get it, even in their better-intentioned modes. I hope it's not lost on y'all that the miasma of Marxist manias depicted in the protest news coverage are a ponderously yankee thing -- the earnest but hollow faces, the vaguely populist but actually extreme left-wing slogans, the earnestness of youth morphed by the sheer force of yankeehood into a grim, soulless, rootless, clueless bleeding-heart dementia that ultimately, childishly looks to the very government it's denouncing as a god that will provide safety from evil pinstriped bankers while beneficently "creating jobs" and guaranteeing a comfy life to certain entitled classes of people.... you know, the "underserved".

These scenes are so reminiscent of the 1960s protest movement and no doubt have some of the same people involved. But you can't go home again -- the sentiments that drove all that won't work today when it's impossible to deny, at least to oneself in more honest moments, that the System is the problem including the cancerous Dummacrat Party and all the "working class heroes" involved in it, not least that supposed ex-"community organizer" presently squatting in the White House. The "Change" mantra is ALWAYS a giveaway that somebody wants more socialism and humanism, not less.


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