Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Extra! Extra! Occupiers get one right -- very right, stunningly right

THIS was totally unexpected!

Out of nowhere amid the numerous reports on the anti-System demonstrations going on in the streets of maybe a thousand U.S. cities, something that busts political correctness in the kisser: a lifelong icon of smarmy New York talking head celebrity went into the midst of the the picketing throngs expecting the usual warm welcome for his leftist clichés and fake compassion.... but the crowd would have none of it! Warning -- possible extreme vulgarity:

‘Fox News Lies’: ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Target Geraldo & Crew With Nasty Verbal Onslaught

I really can't get over this! WHAT ARE THEY SHOUTING? I'm afraid to ask, because it looks like the first of the three monosyllabic words in their chant starts with F, the second rhymes with "zoo", and the third sounds like "lies". Can it actually be a continuation of the false-flag "anti-semitic" outburst of the other day? Seems almost a sure thing when neither the article, the comments nor the film offers a translation. Such reticence with the talking heads normally means they're only are covering a story because they have to.

The way the "Occupy" hordes went after one of the most glamorous newsmongers and his crew represents a departure from everything else in their behavior. The message they're yelling at ol' Gerry almost doesn't matter; to see them denounce and run him off on any grounds is so incongruously welcome and wholesome, it almost makes it seem there's hope for this country.

"Geraldo" has such a history of media smarm, and so many years at the top of media glitz and lnfluence over public "thought", one would have thought his glamor inviolable. Above all, one would have expected the crowds to welcome this sham populist as always and look to him to become their voice in speaking truth to power. Come on, this is NEW YORK whose regional sphere of influence probably includes 15 or 20 million people. Even half the population that claims to understand the evils of the idiot box will say "I only turn it on for the news"; "Geraldo" was the muckraking young star of it 40 years ago and has ridden it for fame and fortune since.

He's also a stinking, rotten, phony-baloney leftwing propagandist and demagogue, of course - but that is never supposed to interfere with TV deity, right? You don't diss Geraldo, he's the FRIENNNND of the little man, their advocate, the voice of the voiceless and all that crap.

Yet there they are, all but pouncing on him in the above show. It's too delicious for words seeing the smug little jerk and his henchmen humiliated! He keeps his cool pretty well but it has to be one of the low points in his entire career, quite possibly a turning point. What do you suppose the chances are that the media mavens are going to look at this and really see the writing on the wall for their industry in living color?

I've been studying media mayhem and involved in its antidote for a big chunk of the TV age, and for my money, this ostensibly small incident is a totally unforeseen turn of events. Sure, it's easy to imagine things going back to as they were before, with the people unhappy but mostly still passive.... but "normal" is getting harder to define ever day in the age of "change".

.........Do you follow Bob Livingston at all? He's written a great short summary of the "war" situation. It highlights a buzzterm every thinker needs to be aware of:



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