Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Incredibly rich vein of comment on illustrious, august, portentious 21st-century babble

You remember Newspeak, right? The grossly oversimplified pidgin language the absolutist Big Brother government in Orwell's 1984 to keep people's thinking stupid and malleable?

We live newspeak. We think, breathe, eat and sing newspeak -- even us smart people, far more than lots of us have any idea. Doublespeak is a closely related concept. Laurence M. Vance is blowing the lid off it all! As you enjoy this dialectical banquet, please plan concretely to cleans your speech and thought of all manufactured clichés and memes. Liberate your friends in this department -- they may kick, scream and resist, but they'll thank you in the end.
Is God Against Drones?
The Warmonger’s Lexicon
Military Doublespeak

It is certainly painful to read the first article. Seemingly every new day brings a new, unbearable tallying of pseudo-Christian, pseudo-conservative, faux-Republican thinking and nonsense that is now dominating or bedeviling the entire world. The good news may be that the bad news is wrong (trite meme-injecting book title of 30 years ago) but the bad news is the "good" people are Dr. Strangelove's children, not those of God as they imagine.

Could it be that everything in our minds is upside-down and inside-out -- everything? Just whose Matrix is this, anyway?


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