Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An apt summary of the notion that.... the public is public enemy #1

Well, that's what it all boils down, to, isn't it? Every day brings new declarations, direct or otherwise, that we, the people, can't trusted with guns, rights, facts or hey, sharp objects.
FBI: You Might be a Terrorist if You Breathe

It seems like only yesterday that we were amidst a never-ending nightmare called the Clinton administration, featuring the daily media presence of his Martian freak of an Attorney General, Janet Reno. The freak was accused of having stated in a 60 Minutes interview that people who pray, homeschool their children, and shoot guns were major threats to society. Would you believe that was nineteen years ago, already?

It appears Freakessa didn't really say any of that. But sometimes an urban legend contains more truth than the surface reality people live by. Now it's the Obummer age, and Barry's Venutian freak of a Homeland Security capo -- another Janet -- is such a carbon copy of her it's scary. Nobody's accusing Ms Napolitano of transsexualism as they did "Johnny" Reno, but nobody's giving either gal a Better Homes and Gardens Model Housewife award. The authenticity of Reno's quote has often been challenged and no proof of it has ever turned up. So far I can't find anybody doubting or disputing these hateful, bigoted words of "Cousin" Janet's, though -- and something tells nobody ever will.

Even if this new quote is successfully debunked, however, it is clearly revelatory of the mindset and agenda driving the Obummistas. Hey, I like the part of the statement that says "Gas station attendants are told to look out for customers who put gas in gas cans"-- it perfectly mirrors a scene in the 1956 movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I got a VHS copy in a thrift shop and play it over and over during my solitary mealtimes. What a great allegory of the Cause we embrace, whether or not it was meant that way!

As the romantic leads in the story are frantically racing out of town to warn the world of the alien plague that's taking over, they stop to get gas. The attendant and his wife question our heroes while serving them, but when they drive off we, the audience, learn the questioners have already been body-snatched and are among the rapidly growing ranks of humanity's mutant enemies.

I certainly wish all ameriKans would view this old film, preferably the original black and white version. Among other things, it depicts the orderly, cohesive society that was America back then, untroubled and unpolluted by "political correctness."

But of course if the producers and stars of the film had their way, everybody would come away from it saying "Wow, mindless conformity is such a danger -- thank Fate we don't suffer from it in today's diverse, welcoming USA" rather than "This movie, 57 years old, depicts exactly what any lover of truth endures today in ever-worsening communist ameriKa!"

Something really scary to me is how time races past. The entire lead cast of IotBS is dead, but I can't convince myself they're not just easing into their 70s and 80s about now! When email put everybody in the world in touch with each other twenty years ago, I found Kevin McCarthy's site and asked him whether the movie was intended allegorically. He said it certainly was, but denies it in an interview concluding a special anniversary edition.

The truth is no doubt that (1) Hollywood wanted to make another horror movie gripping enough to gross five tons of money; (2) mirroring the moral tone of the time was simply what entertainment did back then; (3) IotBS was made during the Second Red Scare, and the Jutes running Hollywood looked on it as a great opportunity to "teach tolerance" to the white-bread, Anglo-Saxon America surrounding they had always hated and still do. 


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