Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The persecution and marginalization of Ron Paul: special to the "but I like Paul Ryan" crowd!

Do vote Republican if you must vote -- but do so advisedly, please. The "lesser of two evils" thing grows less sustainable as candidates from "the two major parties" grow more identical.... and indistinguishable from Vlad the Impaler.

A lot of people are applying this "two evils" thing to the Republican side without realizing it. Mitt rMoney is repugnant beyond belief -- a communist from hell masquerading as a white knight -- but few conservatives seem to have the guts to admit it, even to themselves. Since it's not cool to say on actually favors rMoney but still very much in vogue to cheer the GOP, the party line is "Sure, I don't have any use for rMoney -- but I like Paul Ryan!"

Now you know what the Vice President position really exists for -- to give people an excuse to keep in their same old rut while fancying they're saving some dignity. Since the Veep is purely superfluous other than that, voting for rMoney and Ryan on this basis leaves only one implication hanging in midair, i.e. that people are reduced to hoping the main robot breaks down early in the term so the spare can swing into motion.

All this, my friends, will never change the fact that the whole country knows that they've blown their last chance by not turning out for Ron Paul this year. That's it -- that's the end! There are other fine statesmen to elect such as Gary Johnson but if folk are not going to choose a Congressman with a proven multi-decade record on issues, I hardly think they'll ever declare for a "mere" former governor, because.... well.... it's not what the media are promoting!

Pardon my jaundice. /\/.\/\/.
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