Thursday, October 25, 2012

So-called liberals viciously intolerant and lawless

Wrote this Tuesday, thought it had posted successfully. (Reader statistics are good, and I try to keep up the pace for you all -- but please let me hear from more of you!)

Famous leftists (to call them by their proper name) keep coming out with violent statements about public figures they hate. They do this in the name of love for all humanity. Love, love, love, all you need is love, that's what John Lennon said, so it must be true.

My thesis is that many leftists are people who were simply never told no growing up. Thus they arrived the age of consciousness mistaking themselves for the king or queen of the universe, and entitled to boss others endlessly -- at gunpoint if need be.

Stories like the following remind me of the day my car's bumper stickers offended a passerby, who scratched a hate message in the paint. This is leftism in a nutshell -- they want peace and love, but only for the accredited victim groups (in the brilliant phraseology of Wilmot Robertson). It's open season on all others. They've killed many.

Due to editorial pussyfooting by grown-ups who know better, I've adjusted a headline for the real world
Maladjusted Hatelover Tramples Free Speech With a Notorious Symbol of Male Supremacism

>;-)    /\/.\/\/. 864-356-9966

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